Vine gang | 4:32pm

21 1 0

Shuri: Keke, do you love me?

Steve: Who is Keke?

Bucky: Are you riding?

Tony: Not with you.

Peter P: Say you'll never ever leave from beside me.

Bruce: Have we met...

Stephen: Coz I want ya

Thor: No you don't

Clint: And I need ya

Natasha: To pay the bills.

Wong: Is this that Keke trend thing.

Peter P: Yuh.

Wanda: I still see your shadows in my room

Pietro: Can't take back the love that I gave you

Wanda: It's to the point that I love that I hate you

Pietro: And I cannot change you

Clint: So I must replace you

Steve: Stop.

Peter: no u

Shuri: *cries from the independence speech*

Steve left the group chat.

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