18. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition

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Woven under a thick heavy blanket shielding him from the environment, he walked slowly up the stairs. His loud beating pulse and heavy breath made no other sounds reach his ears. It was like being trapped in a dream. And right now he really wanted nothing more than to be in one of those dreams. What had he done? Why on earth didn't he care about the consequences for a few minutes? One could have assumed that he had learned his lesson after the matter with Aleksander.

Dazed, Daniel put one foot in front of the other. Always up the stairs. And despite that strange feeling of hopelessness lost in the dense fog, his thoughts raced and he felt trapped. Trapped in a vortex he set in motion. In his personal tunnel of the nightmare, whose light had unfortunately turned out to be a train, which now raced directly to him. And he could only stand by and wait until he was rolled over. It was like one of those bad dreams where you were desperately trying to escape from the monster, but had no control over your legs and just couldn't move. This was his entire life. And that's how the rest would be. Maybe. Quite likely, if Domen was blabbing. Should he blab. Daniel didn't know. He just didn't know much.

Arrived on his floor, he stopped. He looked at the heavy iron door that separated him from the hall behind which he heard loud voices. He slowly raised his hand to put it on the latch and go to his room. To hide in his bed and forget. Although he doubted that would work. He was trapped in a damned Déjà Vu. He knew that the silence of the night would mock him and not give him a minute of restful forgetting sleep. Instead, it would rip him.

"Now leave your hair like it is and finally come!" - "Yes! My goodness you will probably even comb your hair! "These were Andreas and Tom, who shared the room right next to the staircase door.

"Comb - yes. But you're going to style it, Tom ... I'm just waiting for you to take your pink princess hair clips out of your pocket ... "-" You can talk with the three stumps on your head! I have to do it proper, otherwise- "

"Say, where are you ?!", Robert's voice rang through the door impatiently. Surely, the three met to play a round with the PlayStation. Or to play a game of poker. Whatever. Actually, it didn't matter. He wouldn't attend.

Why couldn't he live such a carefree life? Why couldn't his biggest concern be with his haircut? Instead, he stood here, fearing that his entire life could implode at any moment, while he just couldn't forget Domens mien out of his head.

Silently he listened. When he heard no more voices, he pushed the handle of the door down and entered the hall. He looked around stealthily. Only when the coast was clear, he hurried through the hotel corridor to his room. With shaking hands he fished his key out of his pocket and opened the door, where auspicious darkness welcomed him. Daniel let out a relieved breath, unaware he was holding his breath. He was just not ready to deal with Anders now. He knew he would say things he would only regret.

Quietly, he closed the door behind him as Daniel was blinded by the bright light and everything around him began to move loudly. Seconds later he was buried among his teammates.

"Surprise!" - "Congratulations, New Year's Winner!" - "I always knew what was in you!" - "Today was masterful!"

Everyone stormed at the same time. Dazed, Daniel let everyone do it. Daniel was all at sea, hopelessly overwhelmed. He looked around at the happy faces that awaited a beaming winner who had disappeared an hour or so ago.

"Now let the man have breathing room!", Halvor pushed through, shooing his teammates back into the room, while he put an arm around Daniel's shoulders. Silence returned.

"So Daniel, how do you feel after such a historic victory? I mean, we all knew what that victory would mean to you, but that it actually happened ... That's utter madness, right? You have to burst out of sheer luck, " Halvor whispered and all eyes turned to Daniel.

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