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-[Virgo's POV]-

Virgo dreaded this time of day. It was time for History in the library. Virgo loved history, he really did-that is, until he had to share that time with the fire signs.

Not only did those boys argue with the Earth signs, they even argued with each other!

He knew Taurus and Capricorn hated this as well. The old teacher was just too soft to make the boys behave. Poor Capricorn was the only girl in the class, though she didn't seem to care at all. She just pulled out her phone and studied digitally instead. Those boys would never pass the test this Friday.

They were even arguing right now, about some kind of comment on Leo's fashion. Virgo rolled his eyes and pulled out a textbook. He turned to the page and tuned the boys out with words.

The lesson they were SUPPOSED to be learning was about the stories of the other, non-zodiac constellations. He read about Hercules, Orion, Cassiopeia, and other constellations until the bell rang.

The earth signs stood up. "See ya later, boys!" Capricorn waved as she walked out the door in such a hurry she left her phone on the desk. Oh no. Should he bring it to her or leave it? Capricorn wasn't very forgetful. I'll just bring it to her and if she was coming to get it, she'll run into me or the phone will teleport out of my hands.

He picked it up. "Hey Taurus, where does Capricorn go after History?"

"I think she goes to the music room or something. I forgot her schedule, sorry," he replied absentmindedly. He ran off immediately

He reached the music room. There she is! He ran over. Capricorn was wearing a short white dress with a black skirt. She was on the piano. He waited until she finished her song. "Uh, Capricorn? You left your phone at class," he said awkwardly.

She smiled. "Thanks Virgo! Since you're here, do you play anything?" she asked.

"Well, uh, I can play the piano too!"

"Then you should get over here! I was playing the primo of a duet, it's not that hard. Come join me!" He awkwardly walked over and sat down beside her. He looked at the piece. She was right, it wasn't that difficult.

"So how long have you been playing?" he asked.

"Not that long, a year or two, something like that. I've been trying to get this right since the beginning of school." Virgo places his hands on the keys. Capricorn mirrored him.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Whenever you are."

The music stayed in his head after the performance. He exhaled sharply.

"That was great you guys!"

He whirled around. "Pisces! What are you doing here?" he asked frantically.

"I was going to get a snack, then I heard music coming from here." She walked over to the bench. "Ooh, Capricorn's here too!" She made kissy noises. "He looooves you!"

"I do not!" Virgo wasn't actually sure of that statement as he said it. He looked at Capricorn for support. She was red as a tomato.

She smirked, still red. "That may or may not be true."

"Ooh! I need my camera!" Pisces dug in her pocket for her phone. "I must have left it in my room! Stay here, I need a blackmail photo!" She ran it out of the room.

As soon as she left, Capricorn pulled him off the bench and outside. "Where are we going?" he asked.

"Somewhere Pisces won't follow us. I have her phone, by the way." She pulled out a phone.

"Yeah, I thought I sensed it in your pocket," he replied. They were outside now, in the gardens and woods surrounding the school.

It was a pretty nice day, for summer. It was strange that they had to have school in the summer. He wasn't used to going to school in the heat. Everyone was even crankier this time of year, but reasonably so, it was vacation time, after all.

They ran all the way through the gardens until they came to a wall of hedges. "Hold my hand," Capricorn commanded.

"What?! What if there are cameras or something?"

"Who cares? I can't teleport anything I'm not touching!" He reluctantly grasped her hand.

A second later, they were standing on the other side of the wall. Capricorn led him through an underground passageway to a clearing in a forest.

"Woah..." It was cozy and roomy at the same time. The trees formed a dome of wood. Birds were singing in the branches above. Just enough light filtered through the leaves and branches, forming splotches of light on the forest floor.

"Why are we here again?" he asked.

"I was bored, and Pisces was gonna take a photo, so I went here. You can do anything here and no one will hear you or see you. It's really peaceful here."

"So this is our hangout spot now?" he asked hopefully.

"Why not? Also, the 'may or may not be true' part was to get Pisces out."


A silence followed. The kind of silence where you just enjoy being in another's company, a peaceful silence that is never awkward.

"Can I call you Cap?" he asked suddenly. Why did I say that?!

She thought for a minute. "You only. I'm punching anyone else."

He smiled.


ahaha *uses school as an excuse for being lazy*

my fluff chapters are always so short but my action/angst chapters are so long like why

-derpy author arianna

-[Published 8-26-2018]-

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