Part 2 - The Break Up

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One pretty ordinary day of August, we woke up later than usual and after I prepared breakfast, I checked my phone. There were several messages and calls from work. Jaebeom also had a lot of them and friends of him asking him if it was true. Apparently, someone gossip magazines and online news websites had spread the rumour of Jaebeom dating a JYPE employee. Several fansites closed that day, and we were urgently summoned to the offices to talk with JYP himself. While heading there, I was reading the articles and the comments below. So much hate and misinformation, picturing me as a foreigner and a gold digger. I didn't care that much about it but Jaebeom was really worried. When we arrived and sat in the meeting room, I started getting nervous as something bad was about to happen. <<This is outrageous! One of our main photographers and the leader of MY GOT7 are together, and as soon as media found out, it spread out like wildfire. We keep getting calls, emails and visits from reporters that want to know the truth. Most of your fansites closed down cause they don't want to follow you after this news. For your own information, we have denied all speculations of a relationship and I wish Jaebeom to do the same by posting a statement on GOT7's SNS. We cannot afford these rumours as we have to prepare the comeback and all the attention will go elsewhere. How long has this being going on? From what I know you recently signed a permanent contract without the clause of no dating the artists, so I guess this has been going on before that.>> JYP was furious but I couldn't reply at all. <<Jaebeom, please go see your manager and prepare the statement together. I wish to speak with her alone>>. Jaebeom looked at me, got up and left. <<From what I heard of you, you're a great photographer and have proved multiple times your worth, but I cannot let this slide. So I'm going to give you a choice, you either break this off now and you can keep your job, or you will be fired. And we all know that I have all the necessary information to fire you now since you violated your contract. Please let me tell you that if you chose the second option, you will not be able to work again as a photographer elsewhere as I am a very powerful person and, when I want something, I get it. So what will you choose?>> said and was waiting for my reply. I was hurt as Jaebeom didn't even try to defend us and try to confront JYP, but I had to defend myself. So I got up and met his stare, it was no time for me to back down. <<I choose the third option, I will break this off and leave the company, but you will sign a statement that you will not persecute me or Jaebeom regarding our relationship and you will not get in my way of building my career in other company>>. He smiled satisfied and said <<I never thought that you will be so reasonable and willing to break it off so easily. I'm really pleased by your decision and I agree with your conditions. Actually I'm so pleased that I can throw a good word for you in some other company that might need a good photographer like you>>. <<Thank you so much for your kindness, but I wish to get hired for my talent and not because of your connections in other companies.>>, he smirked and nodded satisfied about the outcome. We agreed to meet again tomorrow after I have broken up with Jaebeom and they have prepared the agreement. I left immediately the building and headed home. I couldn't breath properly as everything was falling apart but I needed to keep my head clear and find a solution. I was really hurt of how things went down and about Jaebeom's reaction. Previously, I have thought from time to time about this outcome and evaluated the various scenarios. I had to give up something and it was him. While heading home, I called the one person that I knew that could hire me right away <<Hello NamJoon. Sorry to bother at this time. I wanted to ask if your offer is still valid. I am taking into consideration accepting it.>>, so I set up a meeting to Big Hit for the next day before the meeting at JYPE. When I arrived home, I finally took a deep breath and tears came down like waterfall on my cheeks. I loved him so much but I had to end it. He didn't defend us in front of JYP or tried to confront him. I didn't mean that much to him as I thought. Therefore, I should be cold and distant when I end all this, but still I felt like my world was collapsing and I was losing the one person that mean the most to me.

I met him on a rainy day and from that day my life changed forever.Where stories live. Discover now