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i just want a day that i can just skip school without worrying about the consequences and lie down on a rEALLY REALLY SOFT bed and sleep with a dog that loves me more than i love him and stay there with aircon temperature of 23-25 oHMYFRICKING GOD

i'm really tired and sleep deprived i went to school feeling like i left my soul at home until i saw kyeonaa  tHEN I WAS LIKE OH IM IN SCHOOL JESUS

also stray kids's comeback is so fricking amazing i became a public nuisance for an hour straight and probably ruined someone's birthday video because i was squealing so badly IM SORRY

also i'm so in love with meteor garden please take my life found the wrong drama at the wrong time

geog tmr and chiNese????? murder me man

also i bought 4 cans of coffee and drank 3 glasses of tea #hahahahaha

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