Ch. 2 Play Rehearsal

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After the bathroom incident, I just tried to avoid everyone. I don't want to cause any drama with anyone, especially some about my...habits.

"Hey y/n! You coming to play rehearsal after school?"

"Oh uh- hey Christine. Y-Yeah Im coming, I just need to find Jeremy."

"K! See ya later!"

I grab my books from my locker and go to find Jeremy. He's probably with Micheal at his locker so I'm going there first. And just as I predicted, he was there.

"Hey guys. Jeremy, you told dad that we're staying later right?"

"Y-Yeah I did. Don't worry."

"Why are you nervous? It's just rehearsal. Oh! It's because Christine isn't it?!"

"N-no! Well, yeah I mean! Kinda?"

"Just go talk to her. She is very easy to talk to. I gotta go, you better be there."

I walk off and go into the theater room. I put my stuff on a seat and sit down. I look around and see Christine by the door talking to Jeremy. Jeremy please don't be an idiot. I better go and help him.

"Hey Christine. I see you've met Jeremy. Hey I think this is a great place for you two to get to know each other! Christine, why don't you tell Jeremy your interests?"

"Well, I of course love musical theater. And I also love play rehearsal!"


"I love play rehearsal
Because its the best!
Because it is fun."

"Oh okay she's singing now."

"I love play rehearsal
and I get depressed as soon as its done.
But not depressed as in like kill yourself depressed
No, im not into self-harm
Dude, I swear, here check my arm!"

Well that makes one of us

"See, I just use the word to emphasise a point,
Show the passion I have got
I am passionate a lot."

"Well what else do you like?"

"I have mad, gigantic feelings,
Red and frantic feelings,
About most everything
Like gun control, like spring,
Like if im living up to all I'm meant to be.
I also have a touch of ADD.
Where was I?"

"You were talking about how much you love play rehearsal."

"Oh, right!
I love play rehearsal,
Cause' you are equiped with direction and text,
Life is easy in rehearsal,
You follow a script so you know what comes next."

"Uh, not to be rude but can you speed this up? It's almost rehearsal time."

"Any-who the point that I'm getting to is sometimes life can't work out in the way
It works out in the play"

"Oh okay you can talk fast."

"Like the only time I get to be the centre of attention,
Is when I'm Juliet or Blanche DuBois
and can I mention?
That was really one of my best roles,
Did you see that?
I was-um, incredibly vulnerable. It made me think there just aren't strong roles for women in theatre these days, particularly high school theater. Do you find that because I totally find that?"


"And no matter how hard I try,
It's impossible to narrow down the many reasons why,-"

"Are you done yet?"

"-almost. I love play rehearsal.
I happiness cry whenever it starts!
It's just so universal
Getting to try playing so many parts."

"Most humans do one thing for all of their lives,
The thought of that gives me hives!
I've got so many interests I wanna pursue,
And why am I telling this to you?"

"Well we asked what you like-"

"Guess there's a part of me that wants to.
Back to play rehearsal,
My brain is like 'bzzz'
My heart is like 'wow'
Because we're here at play rehearsal,
and it's starting,
We're starting,
It's starting,

"Okay then well, I'm gonna go back to my seat. Jeremy tell Christine what you like. But not in song please."


I walk back over to my seat and await for rehearsal to start. And just when I thought it was just gonna be Jeremy, Christine, and me, the popular kids come though the doors. And Chloe is there...great!

So then the theater teacher just talks about how we're doing a play called "A Midnight Summers Dream" but with zombies. Absolutely stupid. Long story short, Jake flirts with Christine, Mr. Reyes eats a hot pocket, Jeremy tries to talk to Christine and fails. Yep great first rehearsal.

"Imma meet you back at the house 'Kay Jeremy!"


As I'm walking to the doors, I notice Rich looking like he was waiting for someone. I try to avoid him but fail.

"Hey Jeremy Jr.-"

"Don't call me that. It's y/n."

"Okay y/n, do you know where Jeremy is?"

"Uh he was heading towards the bathroom. Why?"

"No reason thanks!"

He winks and speed walks over to the bathrooms. Ugh.

"Hey y/n! Where do you think you're going?"

And now I have to deal with Chloe! My day is going great!

"What the hell you want?"

"I just came to remind you of what may happen if you tell anyone of what happened earlier. Jenna Roland is like my little pet, she'll do whatever I tell her to. And you know her rumors spread fast."

"You little bit- why do you wanna make my life miserable?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Uh yeah I would."

"Well Jeremy Jr. your brother is the main one to blame. He's a loser so it passes on. And you, just being you, could interfere with my popularity. So stay out of my way and kill yourself. K? Bye!"

And like that, she leaves. Finally. God I hate this school.

Authors note: hey guys hoped you liked this new chapter. More coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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