
12 2 0

He was lost,
In his own thoughts
They had consumed him
And it made him grim (I dunno)

He couldnt see.
He couldnt breathe.
Standards so high.
He just wanted to cry.
But his eyes were oh so dry

He gave up.
He let himself be consumed.
Consumed by emotion, consumed by stress.

The was to much.
His hands were shaking.
Eyes watering
A tear escaped
He fell. He fell to the ground defeated.

He let his emotions take over
Consuming him. Shattering him.
He let the thoughts take over.
Making him scream,
Scream for help.
"Make it stop!" He screamed
The monster didnt listen.

Yikes. That was fucking rough. Dont hate me pls. I am terrible at this and i read to much angst last night!!!!

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