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"Daddy!" Willow screamed, happily running into the lab, her curious clear gray eyes scanned over everything, all the shiny tools and pretty cups, her sleek back hair bouncing behind her back as she skipped throughout the lab. She giggled, knowing fully well she was breaking her rules, never to go into the lab by herself. Her grubby hands poked and prodded at all the sheets on the paper, her eyebrow quirking up at the intricate words that decorated the blueprint papers, her father's logo straight on the corner of the paper.

6-year-old Willow Stark, daughter to Tony Stark. First and only grandchild of Howard and Maria Stark. The heir of all of Stark Industries.

Willow's shoes tapped against the shiny tiles of the floor, the black porcelain color reflecting the Disney princess light-up flats that she has clearly worn out, but couldn't throw away, insisting she wouldn't throw away a princess. Her curious eyes scanned over the machine at the end of the room, her feet were quick, racing her body over to the machine. She was as curious as her father, always wanting to go and get her hands on his experiments.

The first few years alone with Willow were stressful for Tony Stark. After all, he was a playboy, and that was what resulted to Willow. She was merely dropped off at his doorstep, a single note explaining only that she was his daughter, and nothing more. Tony was absolutely petrified, if it hadn't been for Pepper, Tony knew he would've given the girl away, he wasn't fit to be a father, not having much of one himself. With the encouragement, he took on the responsibility, falling in love with the baby girl when her curious eyes would gaze up at him.

Willow was playful, often finding herself getting into trouble around the Stark Tower, her curiosity always getting her into some situation. Especially when she started to walk, boy, that was another thing that Tony had to worry about. Thinking to himself that he could keep the little Stark restricted within the baby gates. But hell, she was a Stark, and she was damned if she would let a contraption get in her way.

And so she didn't.

Willow was strong. Learning to walk, learning to ride a bike, failing her first experiment. She cried — yes, but she always tried again. And harder. And she succeeded, Tony would grin, watching his little girl tinker at a very young age.

She was a Stark.

She giggled, pressing a few glowing red buttons here and there on the gray shiny dashboard, nothing. She looked back over her shoulder, glancing down the long hallway, silence. Tony was nowhere to be found, she hummed as she was quick to click a few more buttons, barely able to keep her head above the control panel.

Willow pushed her silky black hair back, resembling much to her father as she hummed, her giggles filling the lab as she stood in front of the machine, making a 'superhero' pose, like the ones she would watch on tv. It wasn't more than 3 seconds.

3 seconds that would change her life.

Willow watched the purple light beam over her body, and then a flash. She let out an ear-piercing scream, one that sent chills up your spine as soon as you recognized it was the scream coming from a child. Pepper was quick to her feet, dropping the various file folders in her hands as she raced as quick as she could. Tony's fatherly sense waving over him as he was hot on Pepper's heals, the both of them reaching the lab.

Willow's screams escaped her lips, begging for the searing pain over her body to stop. The hot tears cascaded down her pale skin, the purple sparks covered her body, creating an outline of her small body as she curled up in a ball.

"Do something Tony! Do something!" Pepper's screams echoed as Willow struggled to keep her eyes open, feeling her eyelids flutter shut, the last thing she heard was her father.




Tony held his head into his hands, reaching up and tugging at his hair, watching his little girl, she laid so still, eerily still. He sighed frustratedly, his fingers scratching at his scalp in frustration as he curled up, tugging at his hair once more.

Willow's breathing was slow, and she looked so so small in the large hospital bed. A private room, of course, Tony insisted that she would be moved into a different hallway of the Stark Tower.

Willow blinked, her eyes moving around the brightly lit room, she squinted, the white lights burning her eyes as she grunted out. The small noise startled Tony, who's head snapped up, panicking. Willow glanced over at her father.

"Daddy?" She rasped, her mouth dry as she tried to lick her cracked lips for some moisture. It was only a day, but to Tony it felt like an eternity.

"God," Tony breathed, leaning down and carefully engulfing his little girl into a hug, cautious if she was in any pain. She was quick to hug him back as she nuzzled her face into his chest, the aroma of scotch and sandalwood filling her nostrils.

Tony was quick to kiss the top of her head, his hands rubbing her back soothingly, Willow pulled away from the hug as she looked up at her father. She watched his eyes widened as he looked at her face, her lip pulling into a frown of confusion.

Tony's eyes gazed over the little Stark, her curious eyes looking up at him.

Her curious violet eyes.

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