Chapter 1

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Credit to the lines taken from 'Captain America: Civil War'

Right hook. Kick. Repeat. Dodge.

The raven-haired girl panted, repeating the combination to herself as she was quick to master her opponent's strength and move combination becoming a bit much to her. She was able to keep the older woman off, but she wasn't as trained, and her arms became tired of holding themselves up. Willow raised her right arm, the hard jab slapping against her wrist as she made a left hook, taking the redhead by surprise. Willow gasped, watching as her sparring partner fell. She panted, small beads of sweat covered her forehead as her workout clothes clung to her body.

"Aunt Nat, oh my god! Are you okay?" Willow leaned over, the white bandages wrapped around her fingers damp with sweat. Natalie's leg kicked out straight, jabbing the girl on the side of her ribs, knocking the wind out of her.

Willow hit the blue mat with a thud, groaning in pain as she curled up, her ribs growing a small bruise, no doubt. A small laugh left Natalie's lips as the bell in the corner of the room dinged.

"Looks like a T.K.O. to me," Tony murmured, walking to the middle of the room, his hair quaffed up and his expensive Armani suit pressed. Willow lifted her head up, her eyes glowing a dark mauve color as she felt the ball of energy growing in her hands, sending it off in the direction of Natalie as it pushed her back, her back landing full force with the robes of the boxing ring.

"No fair! No force fields!" Natalie through her hands up, a grin played on Willow's lips as she got up slowly, walking over to her dad, a cold water bottle in his hands as she took it gracefully, taking huge chugs, the crisp cool water hitting her throat, she signed as she wiped at her brow.

"You ladies might want to get freshened up, we have a meeting with Secretary Ross this afternoon." Willow's head snapped up, her eyebrows furrowing as she saw her father's face harden, she took a small sip of her water, her face motioning to her father to continue on.

"It's about the Avengers."


Willow sat back against the plush chair, the wheels rolled beneath her as she kicked to and fro, her heels anxiously tapping on the polished hardwood floor. She was newly found member of the Avengers, not that she could do much to begin with, she was 14 after all. On missions, she was told to stay on the sidelines and help people from danger. Her powers weren't mastered all the way, and so she did what she could. She built force fields around the helpless victims, and shot out energy, almost like Wanda. But, unlike Wanda, a new power perk always showed up at the worst of times.

Willow drowned out the sound of Secretary Ross' blubbering, Wanda sat next to her left and Sam to her right, her head snapped up when Ross played the videos of New York, and Sokovia, and then the newest mission, Lagos. The screams of terror filled Willow's ears as she looked down, her fingers fidgeting together, her stomach wrenching as the screams filled her ears.

Steve looked over at the young girl, watching at how uncomfortable she became, he looked up at Ross, holding his hand up, "That's enough." He spoke, earning a grateful smile from the Little Stark.

"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt." Ross started, his eyes moving to each adult in the room. "you have fought for us, and protected us. And while many people see you as heroes..." he trailed off, sighing.

"...there are many who would prefer the word 'vigilantes'" Ross' eyes landed on the young teen, her eyes widening.

"For the past four years, you've been operating privately, and the governments of the world can no longer tolerate that." Ross nodded to the man next to him, handing him a huge stack of documents together, he placed it next to Wanda, Willow's eyes scanned over the front page Sokovia Accords..

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