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Stomachaches happen all of the time for multiple reasons. They suck. If want to get rid of one, I recommend one of the following:

- Ginger. The strong aromatic and volatile oils in ginger rhizomes are super effective. They also work on colds. Slice and juice the fresh root for a strong draught, or steep it in a nice tea with honey.
- Peppermint. Yes, I already mentioned peppermint, but it's useful for both stomachaches and headaches (and also colds!). Menthol is a very strong chemical used to eliminate colds, headaches, and stomachaches.
- Chamomile. The small, daisylike flowers and feathery leaves aren't just useful for getting rid of stress and anxiety. Should food poisoning happen, chamomile in capsules or tea can be very effective in soothing stomach lining and easing nausea.

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