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Today was the day, we had both been dreading it, trying to find a way around it, but this is what he wanted. It's not every day you get accepted to Harvard University.

"Promise to call me every night?" I gaze into his deep chestnut eyes, willing myself to hold back the tears. I told myself I wouldn't cry.

"Every night, of every day, of every month," promised Noah, planting his soft lips on my head. I love it when he kisses me softly. "Just remember I'm only a phone call away, I'll always be here whenever you need me." He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me close. I can feel his abs through our clothes. Slowly, I feel his fingers slide up my body, until he's gently massaging the side of my breast.

"I love you so much!" I whisper into his ear in-between short giggles. He knows I'm really ticklish there. "You're going to be away for a long time you know, I'm going to really miss you."

"It won't seem too long, you'll have an amazing year, I wish I could re-live my gap year."

"You think?"

"I know you will."

"How many other people are you renting an apartment with again?"

"Ohh, four... two guys, two girls."

"Girls? You never mentioned girls."

"I'm sure they're cool"

"Ok, just don't get visiting me next with some side chick!!!" I say sarcastically with a laugh at the end.

"You're the only girl I ever think about Elle, it's always going to be that way." he says sweetly. But his face soon drops as he glances at his watch, "shit, the train leaves in four minutes, I've got to dash, I love you Elle." His aftershave fades as I watch him turn and run through the crowd. I gaze hopelessly after him, knowing that the next I'll see him is at Christmas, a whole five months... well it looks like I've got five months of being a virgin then.

Heyy guyssss!!!! This part is really short (335 words😒), and a bit shite, but hopefully as I write more, my stories will get better... I just hope you like the storyline and where I'm taking this tbh :)

Drop me a message to tell me how long you would like each part to be!!! <3 (I would also appreciate some suggestions of other characters I could write fanfics about xoxo)

-E xxxx

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