The Journey Begins

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Hook and Emma watched as the rest of the Jolly Roger sank under the waves. The storm had, luckily, pushed them far enough towards land that they reached the beach before the ship dragged them under. Exhausted from swimming almost a mile to shore, Emma fell into the sand and watched the Jolly Roger. Hook remained standing, motionless, watching his home sink beneath the waves he had sailed for so long. He felt a pang of betrayal that he had to lose the Jolly Roger this way. Had it been taken by other pirates, he thought, that's the code. He'd fight back, but to lose his ship to the know that this time he couldn't get it back.
Emma looked at Hook, still breathing heavy. She had known how much The Jolly Roger had meant to him. She remembered how she sailed with Mary Margaret and David when they went to Neverland. At that time, they were rescuing Henry. This time, Emma had to rescue get back to Henry.
It was Hook who broke the silence. "Well so much for that plan." He finally turned his back to the sinking ship, only the mast was still above water. Emma remained sitting in the sand. She didn't turn around to try to comfort Hook. She didn't even know what she would say.
"It's ok." Emma said, lying to herself. "We'll find another way to get back to Storybrooke." Hook didn't reply. "But until we figure something out," Emma continued, ", it looks like we're stuck here."
"At least it isn't Neverland." Hook replied. "Wherever we are, it's escapable."
Emma felt apprehension, and for a moment fear. "You don't know where we are?" Emma asked, turning around to see Hook, looking back at her.
Hook smiled innocently, and shrugged his shoulders. Emma threw her head back in annoyance. "That's just...Perfect!" She rolled her head around and threw it into her hands. "First, we get transported back into the Enchanted Forest, screw up my parents story, and just when we fixed it and were heading home, this had to happen!" Emma looked back up, now unable to see the remains of the Jolly Roger. She put her chin on her knees. "Just great." She murmured.
Hook walked over and sat down next to her. "Keep your chin up, Swan." He said, propping up her chin. "We just need a new plan, that's all." Hook smirked. "And who knows what might happen now."
On cue, the waves in front of them grew bigger. Emma and Hook shot up, backing away from the impending waves. From beneath the water, a figure appeared. Emma noticed the body of a woman. But who? Thought Emma. Was there someone else on the Jolly Roger?
Suddenly, a tail emerged from the water. Emma's memories flooded with the mermaid they met on their way to Neverland. She had promised revenge, and now Emma feared that she was going to do just that.
Without thinking, Emma grabbed the sword from Hook's scabbard and pointed it at the mermaid. She was ready to strike when Hook grabbed her arm and yelled, "Swan! What are you doing?"
Emma fought Hook's grasp until the figure emerged from the waves. The mermaid had flowing red hair, and wore violet colored sea shells. She tail was the color of the ocean-a beautiful vibrant green. Emma lowered the sword. This definitely was not the mermaid that had threatened her and her family before. Emma had seen her face around Storybrooke. The name echoed in her mind, as Emma tried to pronounce it. Henry would have never forgive her if she had killed this mermaid.
"Ariel." Emma finally said, dropping the sword next to her side. Hook glanced at the mermaid with apprehension. Her blue eyes stared back, not recognizing him. Hook was thankful for her ignorance. Little did she know that in time, their paths would cross again, and he would betray her trust. The thought of his future self treating her like drove him mad. Assuming all this didn't affect the future presently...all this time travel stuff made his head hurt.
"I noticed your ship sank." Ariel said to them. "I wanted to know that you made it out alive." She smiled at Hook, which gave him a feeling of guilt. She turned back to Emma. "I hope I didn't come off the wrong way. I didn't expect you to be able to see me."
"I can't believe it's you." Emma said. "I can't believe you're actually..." Ariel looked at her, confused. Crap, Emma thought, I just can't tell her I didn't think she was real. After all, her parents were Snow White and Prince Charming. "" Emma finished. "I never thought I'd get to meet you."
"You know who I am?" Ariel asked, looking fearful for once.
"Your reputation precedes you, love." Hook answered. "I myself, as a man of the sea, know the youngest daughter of the King of the Seas."
Ariel began to back away. Hook thought for a moment she recognized him. But it was far worse than that. "A man of the sea?'re a pirate." Ariel tried to back away farther, but Emma stopped her.
"Wait! Please, we need your help. Please, Ariel. I'm trying to get back to my son." Emma begged.
"But how can I trust...him?" Ariel asked.
"You don't need to worry about him." Emma responded. That seemed to be enough for Ariel. Maybe it was the commanding, but sincere tone in her voice that made Ariel want to listen.
"What do you need help with?" Ariel asked, cautiously.
"I was separated from my son and the rest of my family." Emma explained. "They' a different land. I was traveling with him," she motioned to Hook, "because he said he would help me."
"I don't underst..."
"My ship has the abilities to transcend realms, m'lady. I promised her I would take her across this realm to find her family." Hook finished. "And I intend to keep that promise." Emma tried to ignore the sincerity in his voice.
"A pirate with a code." Ariel mocked. "Very rare."
"What is your problem with him?" Emma asked, forgetting her 'I need your help act'.
Ariel angrily slammed her tail into the water, creating a wave that splashed them both. "Pirates and mermaids have never gotten along. They continue to poach innocent merpeople from my father's kingdom and use their tails on the black market. I've never met a pirate I didn't hate."
Hook cast a downwards glance, as if feeling guilty. Emma looked at him, confused as to why. Ariel spoke up.
"But I will help you. I know what it's like to lose someone you love. I'd hate to see you go through the same thing." Ariel turned around, about to head off to sea. "But we'll need the help of my father. Only he can get you the help you really need."
"Thank you, Ariel." Emma replied.
"You're welcome." Ariel smiled, shyly. "Down the beach are some rocks. You'll need to get farther into the water to reach my dad. Go as far as the rocks will extend and wait. I'll get him to meet you." And with that she was gone.
After he tail vanished, Emma looked to Hook. "Well it seems like we have ourselves a way back to Storybrooke."
"I would be careful, Swan. We'll be treading on dangerous waters." Hook said, turning towards Emma. "Literally."
"What do you mean?"
"We can't trust Ariel. You heard it yourself, she hates pirates. She's probably telling her father right now so he can get us." Hook explained.
"Of course we can trust Ariel, she's...Ariel. She's in the storybook."
"You can't believe everything that's in the storybook, Swan." Hook warned.
All of a sudden, Ariel came back up from the waves. Emma and Hook both flinched, hoping she hadn't overheard their conversation.
"I forgot to ask before. What are your names?" Ariel asked.
Emma paused before answering. "I'm Leia... and this is..."
"Charles." Hook finished. Hopefully 'Charles' and 'Leia' didn't leave too much of an imprint on the past. The last thing they need is to screw up the future again.
"Alright, Leia and Charles." Ariel repeated. "And you may have to change your clothes. My dad will sense you're a pirate right away, especially with that...hook." Ariel looked at Emma's outfit, which Rumplestiltskin had changed back to her normal red leather jacket and boots. "I've never seem clothes like that you might want to remove the red...semi cloak. Otherwise, you two should seem...normal enough to meet my father. Hurry to the rocks. He will be waiting." She swam back into the waves.
"Why do I have to remove the jacket?" Hook asked.
"Oh just do it." Emma responded, taking off her own jacket and laying it on the beach.
Hook took off the jacket, and removed his fake hand from the pocket. "Do you carry that thing around in your pocket?" Emma asked, slightly disturbed.
"Where else would I put it?" Hook took of his hook and handed it to Emma.
"And what about this?" Emma asked.
"I can't leave that here. It could be a valuable weapon for you. Just in case you need it." Hook put on his fake hand. "Hold onto it for me, will you love?"
Emma looked down at the hook, sighed, then back at Hook and said, "Give me your satchel." Hook obeyed and handed Emma the satchel, into which she put the hook.
"And now, my sword." Hook demanded. Emma forgot she had his sword. She handed it back, and then murmured "Come on."
They walked towards the rocks Ariel had directed them to and started climbing. There were bumps and caverns that made the terrain dangerous, but Emma had been in Dark Hollow in Neverland and made it out alive. She could handle a few slippery rocks. But the sea kept pounding against the rocks, making the surface slippery and even more treacherous. The rocks went far out, and once the worst was over, it was smooth sailing. Hook was silent throughout most of the trip, so Emma tried to break the silence.
"Have you met Ariel before?"
Hook stopped dead in his tracks, before replying, "No." Then he continued.
Emma had also stopped, then continued after saying, "Okay, so obviously you have."
"I've never met her before today."
"Well she certainly hates you a lot."
"I do have that effect on women, don't I Swan?" Hook stopped and turned around, halting Emma.
She smirked and walked past him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous." Hook called from behind her.
"I'm not jealous. Anyone's allowed to hate you." She didn't turn to look back at him. He continued walking after her. There was a moment of silence. Emma felt like she had to say something-to change the topic.
"I'm sorry about your ship." She said quietly.
Hook, who was now beside her, didn't look up as he answered. "As a pirate, one gets used to it. There's always someone after the things you love most." He stopped again.
Emma stopped and looked at him. "Besides, I've lost the Jolly Roger many a times before. But she always comes back to me." Hook laughed.
"You've lost the Jolly Roger before?" Emma asked.
Hook looked at her warily. "Once during the time when no one could remember. But I found her again. I always do." He smirked at Emma.
"We're almost there." Emma said, ignoring his smirk and moving on. She could see the end of the rocks and hoped that Ariel kept her word. She was certain she could trust Ariel, but at the same time, Hook had a bad feeling about her. For the most part, Hook had good judgment, (come on, he calls his ship 'her') but she didn't want to put them in danger. They reached the edge and waited.
They were there for a few minutes, watching the waves crash onto the rocks. Nothing happened.
"I told you, Swan. She's not coming. If we leave now, we might be able to escape." Hook grabbed Emma's arm and tried to lead her back across the rocks.
"No!" Emma said. "She is coming with her father, just as she promised."
"She can't be trusted...."
"She is my last hope to see Henry!" Emma yelled.
Hook looked down, shamed and released Emma's arm. " I'm sorry, Emma. I forgot the purpose in this little adventure."
"Well nothing about this is little, Hook! If I don't do this right, I'll never see Henry or Mary Margaret or David again! I have a family to return to, so please just work with me!" Emma yelled.
Hook was silent. "As you wish, love. I'll do anything you need."
"If you really want to help, tell me why you don't trust Ariel. What is it that you know about her? What did she do to you?"
Hook remained silent. "It was I who wronged her. Except she doesn't remember. And I don't want her too."
Emma looked at his despondent face. She knew there was more to his story that he wasn't telling her. But she wouldn't push any further, because he obviously didn't want to talk about it. She turned back to the sea, waiting for a sign from Ariel.
Come on Ariel, anytime now.
Suddenly, a giant wave came over Hook and Emma, dragging them into the sea.

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