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"Care to explain this?"
Clarke looked up from her text books to find Octavia slamming down a piece of paper with a single sketch on; Bellamy's sketch.
"Where did you get that!?" She exclaimed as she shot up from her chair, a look of disbelief spreading across her features.
"Does it matter? Why did you sketch it?"
Clarke felt her ears burn red as she struggled to think up some excuse for the sketch.
"I.... I um..."
"You uhhh what?" Octavia pushed, her arms crossed and her face a mask of pure thunder.
Getting increasingly flustered, Clarke grasped at straws but nothing came to mind.
"Why does it matter?" She muttered as she picked it up gently only to have it snatched away by Octavia again.
"You know I think my brother would want to see this," a look of horror spread over Clarke's features "but I suppose we could come to an agreement where I won't show him?"
Of course. Blackmail.
Clarke's hands balled up into fists and she glared at Octavia. She couldn't believe this. She couldn't believe the girl that she had tutored was doing this after everything Clarke had done for her.
"What do you have in mind?" She forced out through gritted teeth and a sly smirk warped Octavia's face.
"You work in a pharmacy. I need pills. And fast."
Clarke's face was warped in an expression of pure disbelief.
"Pills? You're blackmailing me.. for pills!?"
Grimacing, Octavia nodded grimly.
"What the hell for!?" She hissed as Octavia shushed her.
"I have a slight problem. Just get me those pills or I swear I will show this to Bellamy!"
Clarke felt her head pounding as it punched out the outcomes.
Outcome number one: she doesn't give Octavia the pills and Bellamy possibly comes to the conclusion that she liked him.
He could possibly come to the conclusion.
But if he did, and Abby found out, both Bellamy and Octavia would have to be moved somewhere else.
God knows where.
Outcome number two: she does give Octavia the pills and her secret stays secret.
No moving.
No sketches.
But Octavia could overdose...
"On one condition..." Clarke muttered, her brain whirring.
"Which is?"
Clarke let out a heavy sigh and looked at Octavia: "I keep control of the pills so that you are unable to overdose."
While this may have been a large step for Clarke, it wasn't much of one for Octavia.
"Fine. But I have control of the sketch. So if you cut me off, then I'll start dropping hints to my brother."
With that, Octavia stormed off with the sketch in her hand along with what Clarke suspected was a packet of pain medication from her bag. Burying her face in her hands, Clarke sighed and let her body shake and tremble from what had just happened. Her breath was rushed as she tried to get her thoughts and her body under control.
What had she done...

Bad Octavia.
~ CF

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