7. Reality

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A trusting heart.

Without that, how could any lie flourish ?


An old wrinkled hand turns the dusty knob on an old transceiver.

A mechanical 'krrrrrrrsh' fills the air and slowly resolves into the voice of a woman-

"The body of 17 year old city boy was finally recovered from one of the gorges surrounding the picturesque 'Narasimha Parvatha', seven kilometers from the town of Agumbe.

Local trekkers found the body and the gorge after three days of searching. Veteran wildlife official Suresh Hegde claims that the low clouds and thick vegetation make the gorge almost impossible to spot on most days.

While the family remains unavailable for comment, the driver of the family's hired Innova recounted that the boy ordered the vehicle stopped and ran into the forest claiming to have 'Finally seen it'.

But the question remains, what could a 17 year old boy from Bengaluru have been looking for amidst the uninhabited wilderness of the Western ghosts that led him to a 100 foot deep ravine?"

The voice changed.

"Only the animals of the jungle or that lone stunted Banyan that grows in that god-forsaken gorge may know the answer to that Shubha.

Now we move back again to the issue at hand - Is there more than what meets the eye when it comes to the Brangelina divorce?! Sources claim-"

"Wait, this just in -

The Autopsy results finally out say that the boy was found with a fractured cranium and deep cuts on his arms. While there is no confirmation, it's fair to assume I suppose that like most teenagers today, he was something great for doing daring things."

"True enough Shubha, Teenagers these days will do anything for that 'kick'. Now, Brad was seen leaving the four seasons in Santa Barbara, the same resort Jolie frequently visits. Is there-"


The hand moves back within the lump of old blankets, and a voice mutters

" ಯೇನೇನೊ ಹೇಳ್ತಾರಪ್ಪ" 

ErnestfordshireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora