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In my feelings.

"Stop it here!!" Barbie said as she was in the front of the park where children play.

As 'in my feelings' starts to play as ken held the recorder and power up the volume.

As barbie starts to do the intro and ready to dance, she felt a rock thrown by her.

Her head starts to bleed and ken immediately stopped the car, but then barbie was still walking she bumped at the car as she fell down at her butt.

"That was painful!" She groaned as ken supported her to stand up. "Someone threw a rock on me urgh!"

"Don't stress your self out, your head will just hurt more, relax and sit on the car we'll go to the hospital." He said fast as he can as he opened the door for barbie.

"Expert? Expert?" She mumbled but he heard and answered, "yes, have a problem???" He said as he eyed barbie.

"Let's just go!" Said barbie as she harshly close the door of ken's car.

Hello.. long time no see.. see you next year..jk
Maybe pt. 2????

Im asking my self now.. why do this has so many reads when my books in my personal account has none like... wtf??????

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