You're nothing.

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Waking up used to be my biggest regret. Waking up in the morning for those no-good-lessons to be taught at school. I mean, who's going to even ask you that why did Hitler bear grudges against the Jews? Because, he was a psycho? Well, that was the best answer I could give. Yeah, right! I hate studying. I hate studies still! Haha! The best thing about school was-friends. That's the only reason why everyone loved to go to school. Well ofcourse students don't want to go and get their depressions on, by simply watching those textbooks and professors 😂 Those were ugly and well as beautiful days.
But, their was this specific day that I still remember. The day, someone told me that,"You're good for nothing." That day did mean something. Something more than just being a typical scholar in any class, or the favourite kid of any teacher. It was the best thing that could happen.
I used to be very weak in studies. I was in the 1st grade. That day, I forgot my Value Education text book to school. And didn't complete my homework. For that reason, she in front of the entire class, and said, "Aditi Roy, you can't be anything. You don't have that instinct in yourself. You're nothing." Well, who knew that such insulting words can build my spirits?

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