2 Months Later

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Gaga and Taylor had been released from the hospital two weeks after they had woken up. Gaga's belly had grown since then. Today she was going to find out the gender of her baby. She's 5 months along now and monsters were extremely excited for her and Taylor.

Gaga's dreams started become vivid lately. Would see her baby in them. She was pretty sure it was going to be a girl. She could feel it.

She opened her eyes to the sunlight lighting up her room. Taylor was lying next to her still asleep. Gaga loved how he looked when he was sleeping. It was so peaceful. She slowly climbed her way out of bed to make breakfast for him before he woke up. She would make his favorite : fried eggs with bacon and a waffle with a light dressing of syrup.

Gaga started singing 'Gypsy' while she cooked. It expressed her love for the fans while at the same time explaining how she and Taylor lived sort of as gypsies. Going from city to city always experiencing new things in each and every one of them.

As she finished breakfast, Taylor had woken up. Most likely because of the aroma that was filling their house in Chicago. She could hear his heavy footsteps on the hard wood floor as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Stef." he greeted her with a groggy voice.

"Hey. I'm making your favorite" Gaga said like a child would give their parents a gift that they made at school.

"You know I should be making you breakfast. You need to rest. Today is a big day." He grabbed the spatula from Gaga's hand.

"Yeah well, I was up first and I love cooking more than you ever will!" she exclaimed with the same child like voice while taking back the spatula.

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

"Stef, go sit down. I can finish this. All I need to do now is put it all on plates since you decided to play this whole time."

Gaga knew he was right now so she gave up. "Alright alright. I was just getting into the spirit of things."

"I know. I just want the best for you and this baby that's all."

"I'll be fine. What gender are you hoping for anyways?" She already knew, but it would be nice for him to actually tell her.

"I want a girl as beautiful as you are." He said before he kissed her.

Throughout the whole meal Gaga couldn't stop smiling. Taylor had a way with words that made her feel like she was a goddess. Taylor looked at her as if she was crazy a few times because of how much she was smiling.

"What are you smiling for? Not that I don't like it, but it's kind of creeping me out a bit."

"Nothing. I'm just excited to find out the gender. I have a feeling it will be a girl. I don't know why I just do."

"Well if you think it is, then it probably is. You've always been good at know that kind of stuff."

"Tay!!! We're gonna be late if we don't leave now!" Gaga exclaimed as she rushed to put her plate away and ran to her room to find clothes to wear.

The drive to the hospital took 10 minutes. Once they had arrived the doctor was already setting everything up. Gaga took off her shirt and laid on the bed while the doctor put the gooey stuff on her stomach for the ultrasound. He showed them the screen and pointed out some key areas in the development of the baby.

"So, do you want to know the gender?" he asked.

"Yes!" Taylor and Gaga said simultaneously.

"Ok so look here" he pointed to the screen once again "It looks like you're going to have a baby girl!!"

Gaga was so happy about this. She could finally start buying clothing and paint for the nursery and everything that baby could possibly need. Her life was finally on track and she couldn't wait to share the news to monsters.

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