Chapter 12

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After closing the door behind him, Duni slouched down against the door and placed a paw to his forehead. The conversation he had with Don left him rather exhausted. There was so much to think over. To say the least the pug was about to go through an existential crisis. I'm not even entirely whole?? I'm only a "part"? A "half" in way? Has my existence been a lie? Duni suppressed himself from any more questions that would spiral him in a direction he did not want to be in right now.

Instead he took the time to gain his composure and any of his sanity he had left. Several minutes later, Duni found himself at a steady breathing pattern. He got up from the floor and headed to a window of his room. Resting his paws on the frame, he stared off at the scenery and contemplated over more sane matters.

While he did somewhat appreciate being told first, the idea that he "deserved to know" settled in him uneasily. It only confirmed Duni's thoughts that everyone felt bad for him in a way; anywhere from anger to pity, it was there. He had a feeling for a while, but finally coming to terms was something. I've ruined so much. No wonder everyone hates me. He thought sadly. It would probably just be better for everyone if I was out of their faces. Then the gears began to turn in his mind.

What had Don been talking about? That when their counterparts were gone, they started feeling "whole" again? Going off of what the jester had told him and his assumptions, Duni had a conclusion: Two could simply not exist at the same time. It was either one, or the other.

The dark-furred pug gave a sigh, feeling the tension released. Everything was just so complicated yet so simple at the same time, wasn't it? Duni walked over to his desk and searched around for some materials. Some scrambling around later, and he managed to find himself a piece of paper and a writing utensil. Sitting himself down at the desk, Duni proceeded to write.

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