Shatter the stranger

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We all know those people. The people who just love to break by standers.

The people who love to point out one's flaws.

You know those people, we all do. Those absolutely horrid people.

What's wrong with them? Why are they so selfish? Do they realize how much effect they have on people?

No matter how many times we ask this we'll never get an answer.

To take away someone's confidence, possibly their life. The most precious gift we have, it can all be over because of one person's opinion.

Just to point something out.

Is it even worth it?

I don't understand those people. Does it make themselves feel better?

Is it satisfying to bring pain to someone?

Make them cry through it all. Make them swallow pills for peace. Make them scar their skin for happiness.

Make them end it all for freedom.

Is it really worth it?

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