CHAPTER 2: living with zero

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*you lay on the couch while watching zero play Sonic adventure 2 on his dreamcast* you: wow you are...very good at this game! Zero: heh heh thanks!....I'm ready for You: pretty much *zero walks over to his room forgetting his phone was on the couch you grab it* you: hmm let's see... *You turn on the phone he has a wallpaper of him and his family you Question it for a while but just ignore it you see 3 apps on his phone 2 of them are games and the 3rd one is something called mobiuns-mark you tap on the app and you see his friends and family  you scroll down a bit and you see a message from the creators saying "we are sorry for your lost zero we hope you will feel better" you wonder to yourself "what do they mean lost?" You forget about it and go to bed the next morning you wake up seeing zero eating breakfast* good morning zero zero: good morning (y-n)
*You yawn and go into the cabinets and you see loads of hedgehog flakes you move the cereal and get some bread you get the butter from the fridge then you toast the bread and put butter on it you sit at the table seeing zero eating his cereal as fast as anyone could possibly while you are eating like anyone would* zero: DONE! you: wow that was fast! Zero: fast is my middle name! You: I thought you're middle name was the zero: it's an expression...(y-n) you: oh heh heh!...hey um I have a Question.. zero: okay? You: so I was on your pho.. zero: YOU WERE ON MY PHONE!? WHY AND HOW!!?? You: 1 you left your phone on the couch 2 I was curious! Zero: *sigh* good enough...go on.. you: as I was saying what do they mean "your lost"? Zero: ..i don't wanna talk about it.. you: oh alright! *You hear a ring on your phone it is a email from rouge saying "your house is ready the coordinates is 11.315--5220.0" you get up without eating* you: zero! I gotta go! Zero: wait why? You: because my house is ready! Zero: but wasn't it supposed to be ready tomorrow?? You: apprently not! Zero: well what'cha waiting for go to your new house! You: alright! *You go home while on the way you feel a little bit of a feeling tingling down your spine*     hmm looks good *you enter your new house wow it looks awesome! *You sit on the couch watching TV from 6.00 AM to 10.18 PM when the time reaches you fall asleep you dream of you and zero hugging and kissing you on the cheek you wake up the next morning and yawn* you: what a...weird dream..huh.. *you hear knocking on your door you answer it seeing two blue hedgehogs exept one of them is smaller has a lighter color of blue and his eyes are not green as for the other one is the complete opposite

 *you hear knocking on your door you answer it seeing two blue hedgehogs exept one of them is smaller has a lighter color of blue and his eyes are not green as for the other one is the complete opposite

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M.sonic: we are the employees from the podcast you're too show! This is classic me he can't talk but he does use a translator and I'm modern Sonic the one who CAN talk we are here to ask you if you would like to get a job at our podcast? You: well how much moola? M.sonic: 500 a week you: HOLY CRAP A WINNING STREAK! SIGN ME UP! M.sonic: ok just sign your your name email age and address here you: ok *you sign your name as (y-n) age as 17 email as
(Y-n) and address as lafyeloop 120 Green Hill and is done* M.sonic: alright you're signed up see ya! You: bye! *M.sonic and c.sonic blast away while you make yourself some toast and eat it after you go to work when you reach work you get ready and then the podcast starts: c.sonic: hello everyone welcome back to you're too show M.sonic: today we have someone new to be with us please state your name you: hello my name is (y-n) I am 17 years old and i am of course new! M.sonic: alright (y-n) let's start with you whaddya gotta say? You: well it is something very weird but I'll tell ya...I like someone M.sonic & C.sonic: OOOOH M.sonic: who's the guy eh? You: well this is really gonna be ULTRA embarrassing the hedgehog but one thing I only THINK that I like him one time I lived in his house for one night the next day I had to leave when I left a some kinda chill up my spine then when I went to bed I had a dream about em! M.sonic: well good thing I know alot about the guy first make his nose bleed a bit just flirt with em that will totally do the trick second go for the goal! You: it might not work but...i'll try it! *You go home coming up with flirts you got the three that you thought was best then headed to the door*

the magic of love ( zero x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now