The Prologue.

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"See you soon, Mom!" shouted John to his mother.

"Love you, come back safe!" she yelled back. Dressed in his dark black hoodie, ripped blue jeans, and black converses John gave his signature smirk. "See you soon". he whispered as he drove off to college.

-_2 years later_-


She heard the doorbell ring so she went down to check. Looking through the hole through her door she saw 2 policemen.

"Yes, what can I do for you today?" The woman asked kindly. She looked at the I.D. they had on their badge. "Officer Jacobs and Woods."She smiled at them. She was happy. Today was her son's birthday, and the day he's supposed to visit.

" Madam, I'm afraid I have some bad news." officer Jacobs said sadly. " what is it?" the woman asked intrigued. " I think its best if you see for your self." Jacobs said bluntly.

The woman walked out with the cops and to her car. They drove down to the city police station. As they walked in people gave her pity stares. They continued into the building and stopped at a door labeled very ominously, 'The Morgue'. "Madam, I'm sorry for your loss" officer Woods said sadly.

They walked in to see a body with very long brown hair, pale white skin, and half his face melted off. "who is this?" she asked not excited to see a body on her son's birthday. " "My sincere apologies, but do you not know who this is?!" officer Woods practically shouted. "Officer, keep it in check." Jacobs glared at Woods. "yes sir." He replied glumly. Jacobs looked back at the woman. "like my partner said, do you really not know who this is?" Jacobs said quietly. "no" the woman bluntly said. "Maam,' Jacobs took a deep breath' this is your son".

The woman began to shake her head, " No ,thats impossible i talked to him an 45 minutes ago" the woman said. Jacobs handed her a tablet, it had a video on it. " This was taken 45 minutes ago, from a speed cam near Westville University." Jacobs then played the video, it showed the man on the table checking his phone then driving into a turning tanker. A few seconds later the tanker exploded and chunks of metal flew everywhere.

"Neither driver survived, and it was you texting him that caused him to check his phone." Jacobs said bluntly after he took the tablet away. The woman covered her mouth, " no,no,no,no, NO,NO ,NO , IT WASN'T MY FAULT." At this point the woman was screaming. "Maam we need you to calm down." Jacobs said calmly. "NO, IT'S MY FAULT" then she ran out of the morgue tears streaming down her face. "why..." she said stoping in the restroom stall.

She looked around the stall and began to trace some of the words carved in the stall, Regret, remorse, guilty, the more she looked at the words the more she thought about the fun her and John had, and all the books in her closet where john would read. When she calmed down she walked out of the restroom and walked to her car and drove home.

She walked into her kitchen where her and John used to sit at the table playing games. She bent down and looked in the cupboard and grabbed the rope that she was going to tie the pinyata with and walked past the living room.

As she did she looked at corner of the living room where the christmas tree used to go. She cried alittle at the thought and walked upstairs to her room. Where John would go when he was little after he had a nightmare. She opened the pistol safe in her closet and grabbed her pistol.

She grabbed the chair from her desk and strung the rope around the ceiling fan. She tied the noose and strung it around her neck. "I would sell my soul to see John's smile again, then she kicked the chair out from under her, but she didn't fall.

She looked at her feet to notice 2 hands supporting her. The rope all of a sudden fell and she fell into man's arms. "Hi ' He grinned showing extremly sharp teeth' I'm Satan, we met before, you look like my ex-girlfriend." The woman scrambled out of his arms and fell on the floor.

She took in his appearance. He was in a black suit with dark red cuffs, a white button-up shirt, and a black tie with red stripes. In all honesty he looked hot.

"Now I do belive I heard you say ' I'd sell my soul to see John again' correct?" Satan asked politely. "yeah, so?" she asked bluntly. " I can help with that" Satan said showing his wicked sharp teeth again. He reached over to her neck and pinched it while pulling it.

After he brought his hand in front of her face she saw a bright purple orb was left in his hands. I can't bring your son back but i can put you in another universe where he is still alive. Now, do we have a deal."The woman screeched in joy " YES OF COURSE I WANT TO SEE MY SON." Satan smirked
"This may hurt a little."

He reached over her shoulder and touched the nape of her neck. When he did pain exploded in her head, she watched a thin purple line get cut and the pain stoped. She looked at Satan,"I guess it's my turn now". He snapped his fingers and her vision went dark.

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