Part 3 do you still love me

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Sandstorm POV I was sitting on firestar nest when she wake up and I asked her do you still love me firestar said no I ran out of the den then out of camp

Firestar POV I don't love sandstorm any more I love Scourge but he the enemy I can't like Him but I do I need to see if he feels the same way I run out of camp nearest scourge jumped on me and I stop I look for him he comes out the bushes I stand there in silence he comes up to me and and,gives me affection lick on the on the cheek
Then he get on top of me
Time skip
I wake surrounded by tall grass and Then remember what happened I see him next to me he wakes up and looks at me with loving eyes i'm sorry but I have to go if I don't go A clan Will get suspicious I understand said scourge and I got up and went back to the camp but before I reach the entrance Sandstorm Pounced on me I was taking off guard
She wrecked her claws on my back I meow in pain

Greystripe POV
I heard my lead screens and raced to find The location of her I saw Sandstorm attacking our leader what has gotten into her I jumped on her digging in my claws into her belly she screeched in pain she was about to attacked me when Firestar bit her on the neck and I scratched her eyes blinded her I called for help Many moons later The traitor sandstorm was kicked out of thunderclan i've been noticing Firestar getting bigger lately. me and cinderpelt
Think firestar having kits but we can't be sure I think I'm going to ask her myself

Scourge x Firestar Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin