Lets go in the garden..

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Third Person POV
Patton walked his usual route, away from he and his parents' house, to the small garden off of his school. There, he could finally be himself. He fluttered his wings a little, being part butterfly, and admired the garden. As he was walking through the seemingly small garden, he really wondered how such a small space can look so much bigger on the inside, and beautiful as well.
He stayed there for a while, just walking around the plants.

Virgil cautiously followed his friend through the almost ghost town, both of them finding their way to their school. Dee had no idea where he was going, but he was a good liar, so he played it off that he knew this place like the back of his gloved hand. Because he had been going to the school for years, Dee knew what Virgil was expecting of him. They had seen a small garden after a long multitude of hours of walking. They decided to walk into it, not expecting how big the garden actually was inside. "Wow..." Dee muttered quietly, as Virgil continued walking through the garden.

Patton whipped his head towards the direction of noise he could hear. "Hello..? W-Who's there?!" He fluttered his wings violently. Virgil came out from behind a tree, Dee not far behind. Having recognizing the two from his classes, Patton calmed down, and smiled, "Hey guys!" Dee returned the smile, as Virgil spoke. "What're you doing in here, Moralidad?" Patton wasn't used to being called by his last name, but he rolled with it. "Just walking. What about you, Balisa? Daya?" "Same here."
For a while, the three just sat there, until Patton spoke.
"Yknow, everything only depends on how you view it..."
"I guess so." "So many people have so many different views, everyone might as well be living on a different earth." He had continued his wing fluttering, as he was happy just being in his secret happy place.
Dee stood up and smiled. "That's true."
Virgil now stood, looking at his watch. They should be getting to the school about now. "Look, I noticed you need some friends, Moralidad, so.. friends?" Patton stood last. He remembered how his old friends had kind of drifted away from him after what would be their highschool freshman year, and they were starting what would be sophomore year. You can't have too many friends, though! "Definitely!" The three boys walked into the school, guided by Patton of course. Everyone who was there stared at them, confused as to why they were together. Most of them shrugged it off, but Patton's old friends, Roman Creativitate, Logan Lohika, and Thomas Sanders, continued to stare. They didn't mind that their old friend had made new friends, but with two of the most untrustworthy people in school? They would have to get back to him on that. But for now, it was time for everyone to find out what dorms they would get and the schedule of classes they would attend.
Everyone got a sheet of paper with their dorm number and class schedule, and went to go find their dorms.
Dee Daya, Virgil Balisa, and Patton Moralidad, the most odd group one could picture, had now officially met, and became friends. Hopefully they could become closer, in due time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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