Chapter 2

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      Today. Today was the day your life would change forever.

     This day. When you woke up this day, you felt different. You felt new, refreshed, dare you say, happy?

     You had spent the entire night before listening to the band that Stella was taking you to see. 'twenty one pilots' you thought after she told you the name the night before. They had only one album out but you felt the potential, you knew something big was gonna come out from this band.

     When you went to sleep the night before you were excited to see the face behind the voice and the amazing lyrics.

     You were soon knocked out your thoughts when you heard a loud knock on your bedroom door.

     "Get up loser we have to go grocery shopping," Stella yelled.

     You giggled and hopped out of bed to get ready.

     Your parents had put some money into your bank account to jumpstart you until you got a job, until then, you had to savor each and every penny because that was all you had.

     When you walked into the store with Stella you were immediately overwhelmed.

     "Where the hell do we go first?" you said out loud.

     "I have no fucking clue," Stella responded and you both started giggling.

     You probably looked insane standing in the middle of the store laughing at what looked like nothing, when you were laughing at everything in that moment. The whole situation you were in was so overwhelming, laughing felt like the only option.

     Soon you finally found your way to the Ramen Noodles.

     "Every college student's meal," you and Stella said.

      After you came back home from grocery shopping, which took a lot longer than expected, there was only and hour until you needed to be at The Basement.

     You decided to change into a more flexible and comfortable outfit as you would be cramped into a small room with a bunch of people.

     For that hour you drank as much water as possible and used the bathroom so you wouldn't loose your place in the pit by either passing out from being dehydrated, or having to pee from drinking too much water.

     You drove down to the venue and parked outside.

     "This is exciting," you said, remembering how much you loved supporting small, local bands.

     "Yup," Stella said, "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" she dragging you inside.

     You were half an hour early and you surprisingly ended up getting barricade. You realized that you were extremely early as no one had arrived yet, in fact you had looked at your watch and realized that you never changed your time zone. You were an hour early!

     "Oops," both you and Stella said laughing.

     You were about to leave and come back a little later until you heard someone say something.

     "Hey!" you heard a somewhat familiar voice say. It sounded so familiar yet you couldn't figure out who it was.

     You and Stella turned around and saw a boy with fluffy brown hair and brown eyes on the stage.

     "You can stay if you want," he said, "it would be nice company while we practice,"

     You looked around and saw two other guys on the stage, one by the drums and one with a bass guitar.

     'So they must be the band,' you thought.

     "Uh, sure," you said nervously while you and Stella walked back up to the barricade.

     "So what's your names?" The brown haired boy asked.

     "I'm Stella and this is Y/N," she said confidently. You loved Stella but sometimes she would speak for you and it drove you insane.

     "Well I'm Tyler," he said smiling and putting his hand out to shake.

     "Nice," you said awkwardly and putting your hand out to shake his, mentally slapping yourself for making it more awkward than it need to be.

     "So we are just uh, gonna practice now," he said his cheeks turning a light shade up pink.

   "Yeah you go ahead and do that," you said blushing and putting a thumbs up.

     The practice wasn't too special, Tyler never really sang, he just practiced his piano while the others, who you still didn't get the name of, practiced their instruments.

It wasn't until everyone arrived and the room was packed from wall to wall that you could see the nerves on his face.

     Soon the first song began and it was incredible, the emotion that he put into the show was almost as if he was alone in his room. He was so vulnerable on that stage and it felt oddly comforting.

      Not everyone knew the words, but when he would hear people who did know sing along, the grin on his face didn't leave until the next song.

     You sang along occasionally when you heard words that you had recognized from the night before.

     That night you didn't film anything on your phone. You were so invested in their performance, you didn't even think of anything; the stress of school was gone, the anxiousness from having to do something you hated for the rest of your life disappeared, it was just you and the brown haired boy's lyrics.

     After about an hour and a half the gig was over. It felt as if you were refreshed and happy. Everyone began to leave until someone stopped you.

      You turned around to see Tyler standing there.

     "Did you enjoy the show?" He said grinning.

      "It was incredible," you said, "your band is gonna make it, I feel it."

     "You really think so?" He said with tears forming in his eyes.

     "I know so," you said smiling.

      He gave you the biggest hug, it felt as if you had known him for forever.

     "Hey," he started as you pulled out of the hug, "do you maybe wanna get some coffee tomorrow or something, hang out a little?" He said as prink rushed though his cheeks, "Just as friends of course," his said.

     "I'd love to!" You said smiling, "What time?"

     "Why don't we just exchange numbers and we can talk about it over text, I have to get home," he said.

    "Yeah okay," you said as you handed him your phone and typing your number into his.

     "Well I gotta go but I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

     "Yup see you Y/N,"

     "Bye Tyler!" You said walking away smiling as you realized Stella was nowhere to be seen. You walked out of the venue to see her leaning against the rental car and playing on her phone.

    "Hey where were you?" She said look away from her phone, "I walked outside and you were nowhere to be seen," she said confused.

     "Oh I was talking to someone," you said smirking.

     "Okay? Let's get home, it's late," she said opening the door.

     As you both began driving home you said, "There is something about that Tyler boy, he's different,"

    "What do you mean different?" Stella said.

     "I don't know," you said. You weren't lying, you truly had no idea what was so superior about this boy, but you knew that you wanted to know more, starting with coffee tomorrow.

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