Dean DDM -your first tattoo/peircings

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"Dad please!!" You begged your dad who just so happens to be the ultimate badass Dean Winchester, " No (Y/N) we've had this discussion before, your to young to get a tattoo!" He yells "End of discussion", he pauses and glances at you, your on the verge of tears, your dad never yells at you so this took you by surprise, he sighs "dammit." He curses himself under his breath "Fine..." your face brightens "wait, really!?" You ask him shocked "yes, but it's gonna be the anti possession mark, then we will go from there." You smiled devilishly "sooooo, what about a piercing?" You ask him innocently. " Don't push your luck." He chuckles as he grabs the keys to the impala.

Timeskip *in the impala*

You suddenly begin to grow nervous, 'what is it hurts? What if it comes out wrong, HELL IM STUCK WITH IT FOREVER, what if I don't like it!?' All these thoughts rushing through your head as your leg bounces up and down with anxiety, Dean places his hand on your leg and the bouncing subsides, "Hey kiddo, your gonna be fine, in the end it's all worth it, ya got nothin' to worry about k'? He asked, you noticed the sincerity in his voice, "yeah, yeah ok." You smiled, he patted you leg as AC/DC "Highway to Hell" plays quietly in the back of the impala.

Le time skip *tattoo shop*

You and your father walk in and the guy at the front desk welcomes you, you study his figure, tattoos practically every ware, and piercings covering his face, but under all that he looked nice "hmph,"you said to yourself "not bad."
"So what'll it be young lady?" He asks, "ummm" you simply reply not being able to get words out because of how nervous you've become, your dad pulls down his shirt slightly exposing a small portion of his chest revealing his tattoo, " she'll have This on her chest as well." Your dad states " alright then come in the back and we can get started!" He reply's nicely, Dean nudges you in the arm "distracted by Mr. Goth up there huh?" He smirks "Shut up!" You say, hitting him lightly on the arm.

   You sit in the leather chair hissing in pain every once in awhile as your dad sits off to the side, Dean notices the tattoo artist glance down your shirt every few moments , he catches him do it and suddenly becomes protective, "Hey!Horny Henry, her eyes are up there!" The tattoo artist blushed in embarrassment and looks away, he mumbles "sorry sir." And continues the tattoo, a light grunt is all he gets out of your dad.

The tattoo is done and you walk out of the shop admiring it, Dean looks at it and smiles then starts prancing around like a five your old exclaiming " Omg we are like totally twinsies right now!" You scoff and get in the car rolling your eyes, "please never say that again."
Dean just laughs and starts baby,  "Hey, don't be a hater (Y/N), you are like totally raining on my parade!" You giggle "well it's actually starting to rain and I'm cold, so step on it grandpa!" "You are totally my kid." Is all he says and drives away to the bunker a smile of pride on his face.

  Whew that one was long for me lol, I hope you liked it! I'm taking requests! •Author out•✌️

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