Chapter 8

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2 month later


"I'll take the place" I said to Mandy as I walked around the buckhead 2 bedroom Penthouse.

"Great Nick now you can't just buy the place because it is a Pent so you'll have to rent" she says jokingly.

"Aww that's a shame I was hoping to be a home OWNER not RENTER" I said as me and Mandy laughed sipping on my wine.

"I don't get it." Tay says holding his mug of beer since "He's too masculine to drink wine" that boy is full of shit.

"Oh course you don't babe." I said patting his shoulder.

"Well I'll have you two come to my office tomorrow to sign the papers and then maybe in afew more months we can start looking for the second glam building." Mandy says as she winked at me.

"Ok thanks again Mandy we'll see you tomorrow." Tay says giving Mandy a handshake.

"Yea see you tomorrow Mandy." I say hugging Mandy as we walk out the Penthouse.

"I'm so proud of you bae, you literally are one of the most inspiring and successful people I know." Tay says wrapping his arm around me.

"Thanks babe I feel like the most blessed on this Earth to be living out my dreams and to be doing it with my dream man" I say as I stand on my tip toes to give him a kiss.

"Awwe now enough with the emotional stuff lets get to shopping for our furniture." He laughed as we exited the elevator.

Me and Tay decided that we should move in together since we've been dating for 3 months now. Its crazy to think that 3 months ago i only had 30,000 dollars to my name and now i got 10 times that in my personal bank account. I really feel blessed. And especially since Tay is here with me even though he is a little rough around the edges.

The next day


Me and Bae are currently at Mandy's nice office signing for our Penthouse. I decided I had enough of living with my dad even though the house was big I wanted to be with my Little Red 24/7.

"And we bought all white furniture, the place is going to be really chic" Nick says babbling with Mandy.

"Oh my gosh white would go good with the interior of the house especially since it has the black and white tile floors." Mandy says in amazement.

"I know right I had to beg my hubby here to get the all white because he wanted Blue" Nick says rolling his eyes playfully.

"Hey i thought Blue would've went beautifully, especially a nice cool blue to make the place pop." I laughed.

"As it would have Taymor" Mandy says in a sarcastically playful manner.

"Ok so now that you've signed everything I'll leave you guys to it... and Nick I'll text you when I see shops  that fit you opens sweetie." She says getting up from her desk and hugging Nick.

"Thanks Mandy your the best sales woman ever." Nick says full of gratitude.

"Your welcome Sweetie it's what I'm here for. Not everyone helps out people with a record such as yourself but I see no problem in it." She says as she walks us the the door.

"Record?" I mumble to myself and look at Nick. He seemed as if he was scared of what I was thinking because he was looking at me with worried eyes and biting his lips.

"Well thanks Mandy we'll be sure to call if we ever want to expand our businesses or home." I smile at her as she closes the door.

I didn't speak while Nahmir and I walked to the car. I wasn't nervous or anything i just wanted to make sure we were in private before I brought it up.


I was nervous as hell walking to the car, I knew he caught onto what Mandy said when we were in her office but I could tell he was waiting to bring it up due to him moving pretty swiftly.

"So babe..." Tay started as we took our seats in the car. Me sitting in the passenger and Tay in the driver's.

"Yea wassup" i say as i look over to him nervously.

"What was Mandy talking about when she said you had a record?" Tay says getting straight to the point.

I started to mentally panick because I definitely wasn't going to lie to him I was just scared of how he might react to the information. So I just swallowed the lump in my throught and started to speak.

"Back when I was dating Jay i got arrested..." I say as i started playing with my fingers nervously.

"For what?" He said as he looked over at me intrested in what I had to say.

"Well... Jay was a gang leader and by me being his boyfriend at the time that put a target on my back..." I said started to think about what happened.

Hey guys it is 5:01 a.m. of the time of me writing this😂 I am tired as shit but I couldn't wait to write because I got this bomb ass idea💀so I got my phone and started typing away.

What do you guys think is going to happen?

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Thot out💖💖💖


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