letter from the author

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Dear fathers of the world, This book contains a lesson about how fathers should treat their daughters. I myself experienced as a young girl without having a father to hold my hand when we're walking together, teaching me how to ride a bike, singing songs when a boy doesn't like me, etc.but that's not the reason why I wrote this message. I wrote this story to inform you that daughters are very important to a fathers heart. because since the day she was born out of her mother's womb you loved her so much when you first held her in your arms. You would do anything to keep her safe from harm. When you hear her cry you rock her back and forth to calm her down and whisper "everything will be okay daddy's here" to stop her from crying.

it's a challenging responsibility every father must face in order to keep their daughters happy for the rest of their life. Even though when your daughter gets older and develops into adulthood you still look at her as your little princess. you will also realize that you did everything you can to help her face the world on her own. Just like when God sent Jesus to earth to save us from our sins. his suffering and pain on the cross represented his love for all of his children especially his daughters. Jesus's blood on the cross broke the gates of hell so we can be with him for eternity in heaven. But in order to enter into the kingdom of God, you must believe that Jesus died for your sins.


Bless you,

The author

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