Chapter 1

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"Elizabeth, you have to tell us what happened. We need to debrief you after every mission, that is part of the code." The head of The Institute, Mr. Roberts demanded.

    "You're acting like I don't know that, but I do. What you don't get is that I don't care about the stupid code anymore. I just tore up and crushed the code, and my name is Lizzie not Elizabeth" I retort.

    "I don't understand, El, uh, I mean Lizzie; you have always been one of our most loyal members. What happened?" Mr. Roberts inquires.

    "I'm still am loyal; I just realized that the code is doing more harm than good." I answer him.

    "Why don't you start from the beginning, Lizzie" Mr. Roberts Inquires.

    "Fine, but don't punish me, when I reveal the truth about the code." I say. "This all started a couple weeks ago, but for you to really understand my story I have to start at the very beginning, when I first got recruited by The Institute. "


    "So Becca, do you want to have a joint birthday party again this year?" I asked my best friend as we were sitting on my bed after school one day.

    "Do birds fly?" she replied "having joint parties is one of the perks of having a best friend born on the same day as you."

    "You got that right." I said. My mom knocked at the door.

    "Honey, Becca has to go." My mom said.

    "Why, she just got here? " I asked.

    "Lizzie, say goodbye to Becca" My mom commanded.

    "Ok, goodbye Becca." I said.

    "Bye Liz" she replied. Once she had left my room I turned to my mom with an annoyed expression on my face.

    "Why did you have to do that?" I asked in an angry tone.

    "I needed her to leave because you, your father, and I need to have a private discussion." My mom replied.

     "What, why?" I asked "Did something bad happen?"

    "No, it's just, just come downstairs; we will talk about it together." My mom and I walked downstairs and I saw my dad sitting at the couch. We joined him.

    "Dad what is this about" I inquired hoping he would tell me.

    "Lizzie, we need to tell you something that we have been hiding from you for a while. I am not a police officer, and your mother is not a doctor."

    "What! You mean to tell me you have been lying to me since I was born! If you aren't a police officer or a doctor, then what are you?" I asked. My mom and dad shared a look before my mom answered.

    "This might be hard to believe, but your father and I are spies. We work for an organization called The Institute."

    "You have got to be kidding me! That's what this is right? A joke." I said skeptically

    "It is not a joke, Lizzie. Now that you are almost 16, it is time to enroll you in The Institute's school, so that you can train to be a spy too." My dad answered.

"Oh, so it's not enough that you two are spies, now you want to force me to be one too?!" I shook my head in disbelief.

    "Honey, being a spy is a very rewarding thing." My mom said "You get to help people out"

    "There are many ways to help people out, most of them aren't crazy, but this, this is insane. I am not doing it!" I ran upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door. Soon I heard my parents knock at my door, but I ignored them.

    "Lizzie, you don't have to give us an answer right now, just think about it please. And don't tell anyone the truth about our careers." My dad said.

    No one would believe me anyways, even if I told them; I can't even believe I believe it. One thing I know for sure is that I am not going to change my mind.

    The next day was Saturday, so I didn't even have school to get me away from my parents. When I walked downstairs for breakfast, my dad was sitting at the table. I think he was waiting for me to come down.

    "Honey, we have a proposition for you." My dad said.

    I didn't respond.

    "You try out The Institute for three months and if you don't want to continue it after that, your mom and I will drop it and you can go back to your normal life."

    I paused, that sounded like a fair deal. Being a spy seemed like it may have its upsides, why not give it a chance.

    "The Institute is a full time school, so we will have to transfer you out of Brookfield High"

    "Fine" I responded "But three months only."

    "Deal" my dad stuck out his hand.

    "Deal" I shook his hand.

    Just three months, I can do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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