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hey mahlie

hey case, what's up?

literally nothing, i have no life

can't relate

whatever, you don't count. not all of us are crazy famous

dude you play Kevin Keller in one of the best teen shows today


you make no sense

people get my struggles

you mean first world struggles

go to hell

sorry heaven already claimed me

you make me sad

and you make me pissed off, to the point

where i consider doing you harm


and I hate to bring this up but

hart will not stop talking about you

it was literally his fault we broke up,

and besides i'm with a guy i really like

but you loved hart

we only dated for five months, and if you

want to call it love go ahead

look it's not even a big deal,

it's not like he was cheating

it's a big deal to me

you know how i am with trust

yeah i know,

but give the dude another chance

he lost his first chance

it's- sorry i have to go


i left to call you in between a scene

love you


Casey has ended the call

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