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Meryl POV:

The 18th season of Dancing with the stars was over since two weeks. Today I go back to Michigan. I come back with mixed feelings. On Dwts I have made friends with a lot of people e.g.: Amy, Danica and Sharna.

But I don't have made FRIENDS only I have found the love of my life, too.

Maks Chmerkovskiy, the big teddybear with the sweet russian accent, have stolen my heart.

This morning we had to say good bye.

Now I am sitting in a taxi with a broken heart.

When I think about Maks, tears run down my face and I must cry hardly.

Suddenly my mobile rings. I get a message from Maks:

Baby, i miss you so much!

You are my one and only love.

Please come back to me!!!

Kiss Maks

I smile and one single tear runs down my face.

Sweetie, I miss you too!

I wish you were here.

I love you<3

Kiss Meryl

" Miss, we are at the Downton Street.", says the taxidriver .

I give him the money and take my suitcases.

The taxi drives away and I look at the mansion in front of me.

I sigh and walk to the big front door. When I press the bell someone opens the door.

A man in black-white clothes stands in front of me.

He bows and says:" Welcome home Miss Meryl Elizabeth Davis "

- I groan. Oh, I hate to be rich!

Maks POV:

Oh my good, I miss Meryl so much.

Val sits next to me in the taxi and texts with Danica. I feel sad.

Val looks at me.

„Hey big brother, what's up? Are you not happy, that we drive home?"

Home...home what a word...

For my parents is our big house with butlers, Swimmingpools and 6 bathrooms the home.

But for me home is there where Meryl is. Money doesn't matter!

Meryl POV:

I walk in and my mother comes downstairs .

" Meryl, my dear!"

She kisses me on the cheeks.

" Come on, we go to the living room. Your dad and I have wonderful news for you! "Mr. Clark please take her suitcases into her room."

She pulls on my arm and I go with her into the living room. My dad sits on the sofa. When I come in he jumps up.

"Meryl, my love! Welcome home!"

He hugs me .

"Meryl we have wonderful news for you. We found a bridegroom for you!"

I gasp. "What???"

"Yes, we found a bridegroom for you. He is also rich and pretty as you. He comes from LA."

When I hear LA I must think about Maks. Oh Maks...

I gulp.

" That's a joke, or?"

My parents stare at me and my mother smiles.

"No, my dear, it's the true! Today he comes to dinner. I hope you are nice to him! Now you should go to your room and get changed."

I can't express a clear tought and go upstairs.

What should I do? I should marry a rich man altough I love Maks!

A new purple dress lays on my bed.

I sigh and begin to make me ready for my f*** date!

Maks POV:

'F***, f***, f***!', I curse.

I sit in our limousine, next to me sits Val and opposite me my parents.

In less than a half hour I see my potential bride.

My mother stares at me angrily.

" Come on Maks! It's just a dinner. I hope you will be nice to her!"

"But i don't love her!", I yell. "We are not in the middle age, where parents choose the bride!"

But my mother stay strong.

Meryl POV:

The bell rings when I sit in my room.

"Meeeeeryl", yells my mother.

It's time. I sigh.

Let the show begin.

I go downstairs.

A little group of people stand in the lobby. A big, muscular man turns around....and i hold my breath...

Maks stands in front of me and stares at me unbelieving.

My heart beats faster.



I run into his arms. He huges me and kisses my head.

Then he puts his hands on my face and kisses me passionate.

I hear that my mom says:"Apparently Meryl and Maks know each other."

These words make me smile.

For me nothing else is matter as this moment with Maks.

"Meryl", Maks whispers. "I love you. You are my one and only love. Will you marry me?"

I smile and answer:"Yes, one million once yes!"

I need your loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ