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Jahmìr Josè Dwayne Grèy-Onfroy

2 weeks later




It's been 2 whole weeks and 6 days since Lahir has been shot and in a coma.

i haven't left her side since.

iv'e had to do school online so i can stay with her.

if she doesn't wake up tomorrow i don't know what i'm gonna do.

i was sitting down watching my sister when a nurse came in.

"since today is technology the last day that she has to wake up, if she does, you come and get an employee"

i weakly nodded.

the nurse left the room and closed the door.

i just went to sleep.


it was 4 in the afternoon and a nurse came in.

"it's time" she said and my heart dropped.

"n-no you ca-can't take my sister" my voice trembled.

"i'm sorry sir, but shes dead"

i began to throw things across the room and scream and yell.

the lady called for security and they came in and dragged me out is i saw my sisters body, her lifeless body, being removed from the bed.

once i was out of the hospital, i ran to the nearest bridge.

below the bridge was traffic.

i jumped from the bridge and the last thing that i heard was Lahir calling my name.


sorry this isn't as long as the other chapters, i rushed through this. 

hope you're having a great day/night


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