chapter 8 contact

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Leona's POV

I get off the plane I finally made it and I finally get to see him hear his Southern drawl and look into those beautiful blue eyes and imagine what it would be like if we were actually together his men helped  unload my bags and put them on the bus so I can get settled in while the band is still out playing at a show I sit on the bus resting a few minutes later I hear voices and people coming on the bus and then I see him again it's him I can't believe it the man with the blue eyes the man I I have been daydreaming of for so long and we're finally face to face "heyy Lee you made it!" he said sitting down and giving me a hug that surprisingly lasted for a while and in that moment I felt secure we weren't even together but I could already feel secure and it was weird but I wanted that hug for the rest of my life finally We let go and my heart sinks " was your trip?" he asked not taking an eye off of me and neither was I taking an eye off him his glistening blue eyes brightening the night along with his smile "it was.......great" i said as we both moved closer until we were close enough to make contact my trembling hands managed to meet with his masculine callus filled hands and the next thing you know so were our lips and it was as if i had been struck like a bolt of lightning as it actually continued as we got closer my hands finding my way around his neck and his around my waste it all happened so fast but the both of us knew it was something we'd never forget finally we let go "what just happened?" i asked nervously "i do not know ....not a clue"

*skip to the morning*

Zac's POV

I woke and it all hit me i kissed Leona and..i liked it but in a way I kind of hate myself because what she's going through and I'm worried that what we did last night might have scared her off but it just happened out of nowhere next thing you know we were kissing it felt so right but I feel like it's also wrong don't get me wrong I like her and I don't just like her I love her she's like my destiny but what if it didn't mean anything and she was just being vulnerable it all just pounded in my head as I laid there at 5 in the morning when everyone else was still sleeping finally I just decided to get up and get me some coffee seeing as how I obviously wasn't going back to sleep

Leona's POV

I slowly got out of my bunk and was heading to the bathroom when I got out I saw Zac sitting on the couch I walked over to where he was "hey what are you doing up?" i ask laughing "ah sometimes I find myself waking up this early with absolutely no clue why" he answers in his morning voice which actually sounds cute "oh me too i don't know why" i say with a smile as i sit down "oh and I want to say I'm sorry about last night I didn't mean for all that to happen I hope I didn't make you think I was trying to pick someone up" he says nervously i smile at him and once again find myself staring into those blue eyes "'s okay actually..........i liked it.......very much" i said blushing "you did?" "yeah......i really like you and i.......know lately it's been hard for me but it seems like when I saw you that night all of that went away and I've never felt this way before it's crazy I you and before I knew you I was your biggest fan and this isn't just about that I knew what you looked like the whole time but when I saw you on that stage that night I felt like my world was lit up again and........i actually felt........alive" i said letting everything and all my emotions spill out "wow........i feel the same way and I know at first I said I wanted to be friends but the truth is I want to be more than friends....... but I was afraid to tell you because I didn't want to scare you off' he replied "wow.....i feel the same way" i said softly and once again our lips met closing the case as we were kissing he pulled me in close and i found myself on his lap as i once again wrapped my arms around his neck and he began stroking my hair for the first time in a long time i felt a fire but it felt like the flames were higher than last time i was never going to let go i wanted it to be this way forever

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