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rxbyg farm boy finally let me meet his friends 🐴🐎tagged jerrybaynrrd

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rxbyg farm boy finally let me meet his friends 🐴🐎
tagged jerrybaynrrd

588 likes & 267 comments

jerrybaynrrd farm boy? that's new😉

rxbyg @jerrybaynrrd you literally live on a farm stupid

anneshxrley belle!! i miss her, jerry you have to let me ride her soon @jerrybaynrrd

gblythe i've never met any of his horses🤔

jerrybaynrrd @gblythe because your ugly face would scare them away

jerrybaynrrd @gblythe because your ugly face would scare them away

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jerrybaynrrd rubs is officially a country girl
tagged rxbyg

586 likes & 276 comments

rxbyg i want to live on a farm now

jerrybaynrrd @rxbyg when we're older😉

anneshxrley ruby is gorgeous

anneshxrley also can you guys date already i'm sick of hearing you both gush about each other🙄

jazzyking ruby gillis you are an angel

jerrybaynrrd @anneshxrley 3 words. pot. kettle. black.

janie.andrews yes ruby's pretty but i'm more concentrated on how cute that lamb is

andrews yes ruby's pretty but i'm more concentrated on how cute that lamb is

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anneshxrley made a new friend today🧡
tagged cxlemack

655 likes & 422 comments

gblythe who the hell is he??

cxlemack loved meeting you!! i can't wait for school😊

di.barry finally a new boy!!! there's too many of us girls here

charliesloane @gblythe calm down gil

rxbyg i'm so excited!!!!!!!!

gblythe sent a message to the lads

gblythe guys

gblythe who the fuck is cole

jerrybaynrrd he just moved to avonlea, anne met him today & he's the same age as us so he's gonna be in our classes in school

gblythe so anne just goes around meeting random guys on the streets? isn't that a little dangerous?

charliesloane careful gil, your jealous side is showing

billandrewz he looks gay anyway so i wouldn't worry gilbert

charliesloane shut up billy

gblythe i'm not jealous, i'm just looking out for her

billandrewz i'M jUsT lOokInG oUt foR hEr💀

gblythe shut the fuck up billy, i punched you once and i won't have a problem doing it again

jerrybaynrrd i'm gonna add cole to this group, don't worry he won't be able to see the messages from before

jerrybaynrrd added cxlemack to the group

jerrybaynrrd hey cole! we heard you're starting avonlea high tomorrow?

cxlemack yeah, my family just moved here! i haven't really made any friends apart from anne yet, she seems really nice :)

gblythe yeah, she is

cxlemack ok...well i'll see you guys tomorrow!

a/n happy birthday glenna! i feel like tilly never gets included in awae stories & she's an underrated cutie so i'm trying to include her more in this book😊

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