I can't ~ Alex (part 1)

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You had the luck of being cast as a new character on your favourite show, a human who gets taken in by Sam and Dean as a baby sister figure. Your characters name is Hali. You have already been shown around the sets, the props and makeup trailers, and last but not least your very own trailer, when you realise it's actually real, it's happening.

It's spacious but surely won't be after you've finished decorating, you thought. The kind woman who showed you around left you to it for fifteen minutes whilst you familiarised yourself with what's yours. In awe, you opened up the mini fridge, only to find fizzy cans and water. Deciding to be healthy, in order to feel better, you grabbed a water and sat on the sofa. Resting your head back, you signed deeply, hoping this wasn't just a dream.

After fifteen minutes of almost dozing off, a knock on your trailer door startled you. Grabbing the water and your phone, you stepped outside to be greeted by the same woman from before, who's name you learnt to be Rose. She handed you a sheet, with a rather confusing map of the set on.

"I'm so sorry, but I've been called back and need to leave you to find your own way back to the lunch room. Is that alright?" She rushed. Nodding, you watched her speedily walk off.


"Hey, are you okay, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to- I wasn't watching where I was going" looking up was a man, a beautiful beautiful man. He had long Brown hair almost fully covered with a beanie hat, and he was towering over you. Grabbing his outstretched hand, he pulled you back up, and picked up your fallen map.

"You must be the new girl, Hali, is it?" He shook your hand

"Oh, yeah uh, Hali, wait no no sorry I'm y/n, I er.. Hali is my characters name" you knew damn well who he was, and were trying so hard not to let it show quite so much. "Where are you headed? It's lunch now so I assume the lunch hall?" He laughed

"You mind walking me there? I've no idea where I am right now" you glanced up at him. He handed back the map and started walking in the opposite direction. He turned back when he realised you weren't walking with him. "You coming?" He chuckled.

He led the way towards two big doors. Pushing one open, he held it for you to shuffle in first, then let it swing closed behind him. In doing so, a few heads turned in your direction. Over in the far corner, you could see the a hand waving Jared down. He tapped you on the back, indicating for you to head in that direction, when you stopped in front of a rather large table. Unable to speak, out of pure shock and excitement, Jared spoke up.

"Guys this is y/n, she's Hali on the show. Y/n, these are the rest of the cast.." You cut him off just as he started naming his fellow actors. "I know who you all are, I'm a fan of the show, but don't worry I'm not crazed!" You assured them before nervously laughing and pirching on the edge of the table bench next to Rich. He smiled down at you, offering you some fries which you kindly refused.

Jared told you he would grab you some food whilst he went to get his own, leaving you to converse with the rest. You learnt how funny they all were in person, their friendly bickering and small but annoying pranks. Jensen even managed to throw a fry at you, in hopes to annoy you to make you feel part of their crazy family, which it certainly did. But he didn't know you yet, you grabbed it and ate it, winking at him "tah dude, tasty!" You chuckled, and he shook his head smiling at you. The others took turns in asking you questions which you gladly answered, when Jared came back with your food.

After finishing up, you stood up with the others, as everyone headed back to their trailers, to prepare for filming. As you threw away your rubbish, Misha snuck up behind you preparing to scare the living day lights out of you. You turned and froze at how close misha was to you. He noticed and stepped back, obviously not intending to get that close, and looked away. You laughed, knowing his plan "maybe next time" you tapped his shoulder and walked off him following behind. Small talk was never your strong point, but with Misha it was like you've known him since you were born.

He joined you in your trailer, so you won't be totally alone, and you found out more about his personal life. He was starting to feel like someone you would be able to look to. Someone who you would be able to trust. And as time went on, you realised he could quite possibly even be a big brother figure to you on the show.

"So, you're young, unlike the rest of us, how do you feel being surrounded by old people" he mused. You smirked and shrugged as you walked to your kitchen area. "I think it makes it easier, being around such incredibly old actors. It makes me feel fresh!" You winked. He shook his head from the sofa and got up, pointing at you as he wiggled his finger, tutting.

"Speaking of fresh and young, Alex. He's more you age. Maybe you two will get on well" you scrunched up your face to show him you were disgusted as he raised his eyebrows. "Or not?" He added. You sighed and looked down. You swore he had a girlfriend, a beautiful one at that! And it hurt when you found this out, and made a promise with yourself that when you start filming, you would be civil and only civil with him, no matter what.

"You want the truth?" You sighed, knowing it was your first day and you were already spilling your secrets and sensitive thoughts out to the very actor who stole your heart from the very moment you saw him on your screen. Castiel was always one of your favourites and you've always admired Misha. But Alex. Alex was something else. You thought Misha was your celebrity crush until Alex came along.

"I don't think I want to get to close to him, he's probably lovely, and I'm sure my character has a lot of scenes with him, but, I'd rather keep my distance as much as possible without being too obvious." Misha just stared at you, expecting you to continue. When noticing you had finished, he spoke up. "I don't understand why, he's lovely, and probably wants someone younger to hang with on set" he stepped closer.

"I'm sure he does, but maybe right now at least, I won't be the one to do so" you hoped he wouldn't push too much for more. But he did. And it became hard looking for excuses. In the end you decided to just let him in, tell him the real reason.

"I like him. He's my celebrity crush. I swore to myself when I got this part, that I wouldn't let myself get to attached to him because... He is taken. And it hurts as a fan to see him all lovey dovey, let alone as a friend. Can you understand?" Misha shook his head unsure of what to reply with, because he knew something you and the fans obviously didn't yet know, but it wasn't his place to say anything so he left it. He nodded and pulled you into a hug. "I'll help you overcome this crush, but you dont have to, its ok to like someone even if they're taken. Don't worry." He so badly wanted to tell you, that Alex is single, but he knew that for the sake of the show, filming and the friendships it was best if you believed that he was taken. If a relationship was formed between you both (two major new characters) and something where to happen? Chuck only knows what could happen when it comes to filming. With that, he left you in your trailer alone with your thoughts. He knew you needed space after that. Space to figure out a way to get over this stupid crush.


Hey guys, this was supposed to be a short one about them all but I turned it into an Alex one because my mind wondered halfway through. It is also longer than I thought, so expect a part 2 soon!! Hope you enjoyed it though. Don't forget to comment, I'd love to hear feedback etc! Not sure whether I want to do requests because as a reader myself, I don't enjoy having to skip through all the requested ones to find one with a 'y/n' in it. But I appreciate that some people do so no hate :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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