POV Ep1: Raptor Maze (The Jurassic Games)

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Hello everyone and welcome to our first POV! Today we are going to talk about one of the scenes from the Raptor Maze.

When the players entered the maze, we were sent out to hunt them down. I saw my siblings and my mate. We were on the search for them for minutes now. My mate, he hears a sound on the floor. We picked our head up and decided to follow that sound.

The human was walking around with a chain still attached to him arm. Man, did he look tough but not as tough as me. Being the alpha isn't easy. I know who's the strongest and the weakest. You might say I'm the big one but I killed only 2 raptors. They were the strongest. I sensed the human near a room where they all started.

We made calls to make sure all raptors were listening. I decided to check out the area. There he was, with the chain. I bet he's not that strong so we made a threatening call to him. Then my mate and sibling came out of the darkness. But he fought back and fought hard. That human kicked me in the face! I felt like I was bleeding when I wasn't, my head was shaking.

My mate looked at me and I felt like passing out. But I got up. He attacked both of my partners. It was a tough fight until I attacked him same with my sibling and mate. We ripped him into shreds and ate him. But we heard more survivors and decided to go find them. One of my pack mate sensed a human before getting shot by something.

The sound was loud and I heard a call, it sounded weak. The sound of the fire was heard all over the maze. Pissed, all of our pack members ran all over the place to take revenge.

I stopped along with my mate but the three other members decided to go for them. They went inside the vent and one of them tried to attack but got shot. The other one was able to get inside and tried to attack but failed. My sibling looked at him before getting killed. I saw my mate left with dead raptors everywhere.

I was pissed but I'll get my revenge in the next Jurassic Games. So that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you guys have a nice day.

Dinosaur/Pterosaur/Marine reptile/animal POVWhere stories live. Discover now