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Adie Burke
Pre AP English 9
Into the Wild Reading Assignment

2. Someone like Chris McCandles might want to hitchhike and live in the Western wilderness because he doesn't want everything handed to him. Chris wants to experience things. He didn't like materialistic things in the world. In the book it states, " I can't believe they'd try and buy me a car," pg 21 (chris)(krakaur) possibly Chris wanted to get away from all the materialistic people. Mostly I think Chris wanted to get away from his parents. They continuously tried to push that type of lifestyle on him. Chris doesn't want to be pampered. Chris relished in the hardships of life.

4. Chris considered himself a loner. Why he befriended so many people can only be the effect of loneliness. Chris like being on his own. However, being alone for the amount of time he had been alone had to be lonely. While people like being alone, people don't like to feel lonely. This may seem contradictory, but it really is it. In the book it states, "McCandless was thrilled to be on his way...and all the emotional baggage that comes with it." pg55 (krakaur) Chris wanted to be around people without having an obligation to them.

6.  The epigraphs in these two chapters help focus my reading on going to the wilderness to find a cure for something that's wrong inside of you. In chapter 8 The epigraph says "taking your wounds to the wilderness for a cure, conversation, a rest, or whatever." pg. 70 (krakaur) This helps focus my reading on the fact that this chapter is going to be about people who went to the wilderness to find a cure for whatever was wrong with them. However, everyone in this chapter died in a lonely state. The epigraph in chapter 9 helps focus my reading on Everett Ruess and his disappearance. It helps focus my attention on the fact that they're multiple people who've just vanished into thin air like Chris McCandless and been discovered dead. Overall it brings my attention to the fact that not everyone that goes out in search of something in them comes back with it or for that matter comes back at all.

8. If Chris had survived I don't think he would've made peace with his biological family and pursued a career. Chris thought jobs were a waste of time. I don't think he even liked his family except Carine. His family seem to have many issues. Specifically speaking of the incident in which Chris found out when he was born his father had even divorced from his previous marriage. This event is what seems to have push Chris over the edge. Which honestly makes sense. If Chris had survived he most likely would've gotten a job working with () and maybe traveled bit, not like previously. Chris had strong beliefs. He wouldn't change them overnight.

10.  Jon Crocker survive by planning in advance. He didn't plan on just living off the land. He brought appropriate supplies and food. Not only that, but Jon was very resourceful. Also doing these types of things wasn't his whole life. Jon had a family to live for. Jon is careful and thoughtful overall about the whole experience.

12.  McCandless clearly died of starvation. When running out of food and desperate for something to eat he mistook a poisonous plant for an edible one. This simple mistake cost Chris his life. In doing this Chris begin to be unable to digest food. Eventually he became malnourished and died of starvation. Chris McCandless lived a very lonely life and he died a very lonely death. Chris McCandless made a mistake that he could never make up for.

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