Reagan (M)

183 2 76

Name: Reagan Logan
Age: 17
LA: 5
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: When he's able to come home and be in his little space away from school

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Likes: When he's able to come home and be in his little space away from school. When he gets to talk to you over the phone. Skyping. Hanging out with his friends
Dislikes: When you get mad at him and Don't talk to him for a long time. When you hang up. Bedtime. Naps. Vegetables.
Stuffed animals: A bear named Toby, A panda named Totoro, A cat named Toothless, and A dog named Spot

Scenario: You and Reagan met online. When you both spoke more you both figured out a few things you had in common. Time skip 4 years.

Reagan and you have grown in a relationship and he was skyping you. "Daddy/Mommy guess what! I'm flying out to see you!" He exclaims happily. You?

Scenario: Make one up

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