The Rule

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They met in first grade.

She saw him in the sandbox, chocolate hair coated in sediments, and decided that they'd be best friends. It was a choice she dragged the boy into agreeing to. He had the big brown eyes of a puppy, sad after being shoved around and picked on for not having a mommy and daddy like everyone else. It was cruel, and befriending him was better than any of the other jerks running around the playground.

Middle school was filled with nicknames alluding to her acne-ridden face and an absolute freak out at the discovery of crushing on her best friend. They were the outcasts of their grade. That was when they met Ned and formed the tight-knit trio she wouldn't trade for the world.

High school was...terrifying, to say the least. Her skin got better after spending a fortune on products, the hysterics at Peter's voice cracks became more frequent, and the need to study for absolutely everything wore all of them down. Boys began to flock her during junior year and after going on a few dates she decided that no one was as good as her best friend.

The three of them went through everything together.

It only made sense they did the same with college.

Peter got accepted into the same school that she did. Ned, however, chose a different path for his education. There was a big fight over it, but they were quick to make up. Like always.

When Peter asked her to move into an apartment with him, she'd almost combusted. He'd rambled on and on about how it'd be easier to just rent one near the campus than to pay for a dorm during the extent of their schooling. Liv had to admit it was a good idea, and even though she would've said yes a million times without the explanation, she pretended that the reduced money spending is what convinced her.

It was a bit of an adjustment at first.

Shower schedules were hell in the beginning and she'd had to scream at Peter for not cleaning his dirty dishes and not doing a load of laundry when it was his turn, but they settled in eventually with a set of rules.

Her least favorite was the agreeance that if one of them were to bring home a date, the other had to steer clear. It made her sick just thinking about Peter with another girl that wasn't her.

But she dealt.

Until she really had to deal.

She'd just gotten back from work - earlier than usual since the headache she'd gotten was so bad a coworker had to force her to take the rest of the day off - and was venturing to the kitchen for some much needed aspirin when she heard Peter's voice.

"I don't know, Ned. I don't even think she likes me."

Peter's phone calls with Ned were a regular occurrence and most of the time Liv would waltz right in and yell a hello, but something about them conversing when Peter was well aware Liv was supposed to be at work told her that she wasn't meant to hear this.

Her heart dropped at what he said. In all the years of their friendship, Peter had only had one crush. On a girl named Liz in tenth grade. It was fleeting and since then Liv had hoped that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way she did.

Obviously, she was wrong.

"You know I love her, man. But what if I screw up? What if she doesn't even feel the same way and it ruins everything?"

Her back slid down the wall outside of the kitchen until she hit the floor.


"Fine, fine! I'll see if she'll watch a movie with me tonight. Yes, Ned, I have popcorn I'm not stupid. Yes, I have blankets. Yes! Oh my God, I'm hanging up now."

Peter Parker One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz