Part Two

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As I made myself comfortable in the car, I went on Twitter. I could have been tweeting 10484910 tweets with asdfghjkl meeting 5SOS in 4 hours and 2 minutes etc. but I kept it simple.

'@Ashtonsjdbx: I'm so so so excited. Meeting 5SOS today with my beste @KelseyHemmingsx'

'@Ashtonsjdbx: guys I can't stop thinking about 5SOS somebODY HELP ME'

'@Ashtonsjdbx: Ok. I'm so excited. I'm gone. Almost at Kelsey's. BYE'

And that was true, I hit send as we rode in Kelseys street. When we arrived at her house, I unbuckled my seat and openened the car door. I almost runned to Kelseys door because of excitement when she had already openend the door. Giving her a thight hug. And we fangirled together.

'KELS I CANT BELIEVE THIS' I yelled into her ear. I felt the adrenaline in my body, and I just wanted to scream.

'I KNOW RIGHT WHAT THE HECK I CAN'T HANDLE THIS.' Kels yelled back, as we both started laughing and fangirling at the same time.

'Have you got everything ready? The earlier we are there, the more fun!' I said. We walked in and I greeted her mother.

'Hi Patricia! Nice to see you again.' I said as I gave her a hug. 'Same for you Julia, always lovely to have you here. Are you excited yet?' If only she knew how excited I am. 'Damn yes!'

'Juul I'm ready let's go!' Kelsey says while sprinting down the stairs, and giving her mother a thight hug. 'Have fun both of you! Get the best out of it' Patricia says, while waving at us from the door.

As we both got seated and mom started the engine, we both yelled to my mom: 'TURN ON THE CD PLEASE!' and that's what my mom did. She liked the way we were so enthousiast about the boys. I could always come to her to talk about them, and she would listen. Always.

'SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT STANDING THERE IN MY AMERICAN APPEARAL UNDERWEAR. AND I KNOW NOW THAT I'M SO DOWN.' We sang in unison. And that went on for the whole car ride. Even my mom knew some words, who knew?

'Girls! 10 more minutes till we arrive at the venue!' I hear my mom say. I instantly wanted to scream so hard that everbody could hear me.

'I can't believe this omygod, this will be the best day of my life. I'm so happy to share this with you Kels!' I spoke, I'm so glad that I can meet my favs with my bff. It's a dream coming true.

'Aww Julia that's sweet! Same for me, this is gonna be the best day of our lives tududu..' She sang, as I started laughing.

'You are such a weirdo! My best weirdo friend hahaha' I joked. 'Are we almost there mom?'

'Yes, it's just here around the cor...' She couldn't even finish her sentence because me and Kels both started screaming. 'WE ARE HERE OMYGOD WE ARE HERE.'

As soon as we got out of the car we both looked for the toilets. Nervousness makes me wanna pee. 'Where are these damn toilets?' I hear Kels say while walking like a weirdo to hold it all in.

'Hey Kels look there's a Mc Donalds! There must be some toilets there.' It was right around the corner from where we where.

''Julia! I'm going home, Kelsey, your mom will pick you two up right?' She came out of the car and approached us, I gave her a thight hug and said my goodbyes. 'Have fun ladies!' She said as she got in and drove away.

'Julia, c'mon I really need to pee. My nerves are killing me, my stomach hurts and I have to pee. What if I pass out when I hug Luke? That's so awkward!' We both started laughing, and walked to Mc Donalds.

It felt like we had been in the queue for an hour but it turned out that it was only 15 minutes. When I was done I quickly checked up on my make up and fixed my hair.

'Ready?' I asked Kelsey.

'Yeah, shall we get us something to eat and drink? Because otherwise I will still pass out haha!' Kelsey said laughing.

'Sure' Was my answer. When we went in line we talked about everything and nothing.

'Hi, can I take your order?' The cashier asked with an annoyed tone. 'Yeah 2 caramel frappés and 1 box of chicken mc nuggets, please.' I said. '9 or 16 pieces?' I can hear how much he loves his job ha ha. '16 please.' I asked with the same annoying voice. 'That'll be 8 euros and 40 cents.' I gave him the money and accepted the change.

When he was picking up our order I said to Kelsey: 'Damn he has an annoying voice! He sure loves his job lol' And we both started laughing. 'I fucking know right he's really..' 'Shhh! he's coming back' I said. I saw Kelsey put her hand on her mouth to stop herself from laughing. That girl.

'Here you go. Have a nice day' His tone was creepy and annoying, we quickly took it and found ourselves a place to sit down.

'What a creep!' Kelsey whispered in my ear.

'I know right! I bet he heard us hahaha what a loser.' I laughed l, packed my frappé and opened the mc nugget box.

'Yummie!' Kelsey cheered. 'These are my all time favs.'

'Same girl, same!' I said and gave her a high five. 'I bet most of the people are already in line tho. But I don't care if we are the last, the more time for us, right?'

'Hell yeah fucking right! Enough time to propose Luke' Kelsey giggled. 'Just kidding! But I agree with you, let's go for the last place. We have tickets so we, ofcourse, can go in.'

'Deal' I reached out my hand and shook Kelseys. 'Deal.' She answered.

Ok so this is maybe a little boring, but the next chapters will be better and hopefully longer. I'm on holidays in Italy so I try to write as much as possible. I am still figuring out how to write the best, by reading other stories and look how they are written. When I'm home and I can go on my laptop I probably can write much longer chapters.

Take care.

xo Lilian @Ashtonsjdbx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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