Snow Day

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Damian Wayne snuggled deeper into his soft blankets, engulfed in warmth on the cold December morning. He was sleeping soundly before his alarm clock abruptly awoke him. Damian growled and threw his clock across his bedroom, then proceeded to doze off. He was about to fall back asleep, when his door burst open, revealing his oldest brother.

"Damian! Get up! Quick!"

Damian swiftly jumped out of bed. Now wide awake, he grabbed his sword from beside his bed, and ran over to Dick.

"Grayson, what is going on!?"

"Geez Dami, your not going to need that." Dick gestured toward Damian's sword. Damian glanced at the sword, unsure of what Dick meant.

"What are you taking about Grayson?"

"There's no one attacking. I just wanted to show you something."

Damian cocked his head, confused.

Dick grinned like an idiot and opened the curtain to reveal the manor's yard filled with snow.

"Ta Da! Snow Day!"

Damian glared at Dick, rage was plastered on his face.

"This is what you woke me up for?" Damian's voice grew angrier with every word.

"Well, uh, yeah. There's no school today cause there's so much snow. Come on outside and play with me!"

Damian grumbled at Dick's enthusiasm.

"Why would I want to take part in such childish activities?"

"Because it's fun! Tim and Jason are coming too!"

"That does not make me want to join you anymore then I already didn't. In fact, it makes me want to even less."

Dick rolled his eyes.

"Damian, your coming whether you want to or not."

"You can't make me."

"You wanna bet?"

Ten minutes later Damian was outside, hugging his sides and shivering. Dick had banned him from patrol if he didn't gone outside, so he really didn't have much of a choice. He HATED the cold. It never snowed in Saudi Arabia, so he wasn't really used to it. He cautiously ran his gloved fingers in the icy cold powder, and shivered as the snow soaked through his gloves and touched his skin.

A minute later Tim joined him outside, a small smile on his face.

"Wow! It really did snow a lot!" He exclaimed as Stephanie nearly bounced with excitement beside him. Cassandra was not far behind, her eyes wide with surprise. Stephanie grabbed a handful of snow, and shaped in into a perfect ball. She snickered and threw the ball straight at Damian, who was turned away from them. As the ball hit Damian's back, he quickly whipped his head around to see Stephanie grinning evilly.

"What the heck was that?" Damian questioned, narrowing his eyes. "Why did you throw that at me?"

"It's a snowball. Your supposed to throw them at each other." Stephanie explained. "It's fun."

Damian just glared at her, still not understanding the concept.

"Just try it. Take a handful of snow, make it into a ball and throw it."

Damian picked up a handful of snow, and expertly shaped it into a ball. He looked at the others before choosing to throw it at Tim who whined at the cold snow hit his face.

"You don't throw it at people faces!" Tim screamed. Damian merely shrugged, happy he had hit Tim perfectly. A second later, Dick came out pulling an protesting Jason.

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