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Welcome to Safe Space.

It is a land unlike any other. It is a land where all can come and be free from all forms of offense. A true safe zone of peace and harmony.

A perfect place.

It is so because it is governed by an enigmatic, all-knowing being known as the Mother, who enforces one basic rule: the individual must always be protected from what the Mother deems 'insensitive'.

People here in Safe Space are divided into three groups, though it is taught that no group is above the other and that all are to be pitied and valued.

The Progressives are the first group, who the Mother 'serves' by keeping them safe and secure. They are the mothers and fathers (at least, genetically mothers and fathers. All forms of sexual beliefs are respected here in Safe Space) who will birth the new generation of Progressive, and so on.

The Deficient, who the Mother 'protects' from the horrors of the real world. These are people not like the Progressive; The Deficient are the weak, the physically, mentally, and emotionally challenged. These unfortunate souls are saved the misery of being offended by having the idea blocked out of them; they have their eyes and mouths sewn shut, so they would never be offended, and they are brought to the power plants of Safe Space, where they contribute to society by providing Safe Space with clean, affordable energy (by pushing a button in front of them indefinitely. As in, until they die.)

The Inconsiderate, who the Mother 'corrects' for their wrongdoing. These are people who were born Progressive but do not agree with the Mother's ideas. They wrongfully believe that the Deficients shouldn't be treated this way, or perhaps that the way of life in Safe Space isn't 'good' or 'morally sound'. The Mother takes these ignorant souls and brings them to the Compound, where they are... 'corrected'. A mother must be stern, every now and again, after all.

The children of Safe Space do not go to school. Instead, they are tutored at home by truth-screens. It is in front of these truth-screens where the good children, Deficient and Progressive alike, learn the only lessons in life that need to be known:

There is nothing but Safe Space. There will never be anything but Safe Space.

No one knows better than Mother, for Mother always knows best.

Deficient must be 'protected', Progressive must be 'served', and Inconsiderate must be 'corrected'.

This is Safe Space.

It is a land unlike any other, a land where all can come and be free from all forms of offense. A true safe zone of peace and harmony.

A perfect place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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