Tagged Again x_x

56 2 14

I'm sneaking my gadget away so I'm rushing this

I was tagged by Emcakes23
I already did the second rule in picture form
I also did the third rule
Sooo.... 10 facts about me, I guess.

1. I'm a 12 year old high schooler. At least where I live...

2. I'm one of the youngest in my grade level, alongside Chad. Check out his YT channel, Chad's Comical Cerebrum, and his Wattpad account HappyStoryTeller2010 .

3. I tend to befriend some... questionable people. Not all of them are like that though.

4. I am in a lot of fandoms. If I were to enumerate them all, it'll take me forever. That's where my name FandomJoiner came from.

5. I got my innocence ruined at an early age. A classmate of mine told me to search up hentai. I asked him why, and he replied with an,"It's educational." After that, two of my female friends were talking about yaoi and yuri to me, and out of curiosity, I looked it up. Oh boy, now I know the meaning of "curiosity killed the cat".

6. I love anything related to the cold.

7. I love the smell of old books. In fact, I sometimes go to the library just to smell books. Heck, hailz_soriano and I called the smell of books our cocaine XD

8. I want to be so many things in life. I want to be a doctor, an astronomer, an astronaut, a psychologist, and a chef.

9. I'm an anxious person.

10. I may not be fun to get along with. I am very literal.

Bonus fact (cuz I'm feeling generous): I'm Christian. I take offense to the swear word goddamn, and to anyone making fun of my God. I'm not like some other Christians who hate people who don't share the same belief as them, nor am I like those other Christians who detest the LGBTQ+ community. God said all men and women were created equal, so why hate an equal for something they didn't choose to be?

As for jokes... my life is.


I'm obviously joking.

Spoilers? Hmm, just read the last Tagged chapter. Spoilers are there.

Now... my 23 attaged victims are...!

(Once again, I am playing with fire) scftaekook
HanaYume23 (It's been so long Hana! I'm not dead yet!)
AyanaTabilon (It's Alex Ortiz! Hiiiii!)
Emcakes23 (I'm evil)

I can't tag more people since I'm busy and I have no one to tag.

Anyway, does anyone play KHUx here aside from TheDex08 ? No? Alright ;v;

Some KHUx details:
Name: Kai
Union: Vulpes
Lvl: 230+
Party: Keys
Keyblade: Starlight

Anyway that'd be all! Until next time!

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