second meeting

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Bruce Wayne // Batman

You spent the day setting up your office and going out and buying some things you still needed and that's how the first 3 days went and then you had finally got everything set up and had actual work the next day. You woke up and threw on some clothes since your job mostly had you at the computer and in your office or Bruce's.

You get in your Jeep and drive to Wayne Enterprises, parking in the car garage and going to your floor.

"Y/N I need to meeting wrote out in the planner and on my desk at least an hour before my first meeting," Mr.Wayne says, catching my attention

"Yes sir, ill get right on that"

He smiles and you go to your office, pulling up the appointments and writing them down.

-Time Skip-

You had put the planner on Mr.Waynes desk and were on your way out when you bump into him.

"Oh I'm so sorry" you reached down to get the papers you dropped that you had to deliver to the filing room. He reached down to get the papers and your hands touched. You pull your hand back and you both stand up.

Mr.Wayne chuckles and hands you the paper "its ok, you're the best assistant I've had in a while actually"

"Oh?" you say while reorganizing the papers real fast.

"Yeah" you look up and he's smiling at you but he clears his throat and steps out of the way "could you see if my jackets from the dry cleaners is done and while your out get you something from Starbucks or something" I nod and head out, leaning on the wall and taking a deep breath.

Clark Kent // Superman

You had stopped walking home as late as you did and started taking more caution with where you walked when you did but one night you forgot all about it and waited to leave work till 11 at night. As you walked home you luckily didn't get harassed but when you got to your steps you hear a voice.


You turn around and see Superman standing right there.

"Uh hi?"

"Has everything been ok? I haven't seen you"

"Um yeah, but you've been stalking me?" you shuffle your feet uncomfortably and he laughs

"No I mean it's my job to protect people so I have to look around and I mean if I think someone could be in danger I usually keep a tab on them just to make sure that ther-"

"Well I'm ok" You laugh and he smiles

"Um alright I guess ill go..." he trails off, inclining you to give him your name


He smiles "I'll see you around Y/N" he flys off and you laugh, shaking your head and walking into your house.

Arthur Curry // Aquaman

You had helped your brother decorate and clean up his house when you decided to move to Iceland. Not cause you wanted to be closer to him but because you preferred it way more than Florida.

You had sent word for your things to be delivered and house to be sold seeing as you were rather rich and had people do things for you.

You had chosen the house kinda far away from your brother just because you spent most of your life with him and didn't feel like spending any more time with him. You had gotten a job at the bar that sadly the strange stalker dude named Arthur always went to. He always asked for you to serve him and half the time you pretended like you were busy and the owner, Charles, ended up serving him instead.

You were working till closing and had to lock up. Once you were on your way home you felt this weird feeling of someone following you and you walked a little faster.

"Hey" A deep masculine voice startles you and you almost drop your keys which were in your hand.

You whirl around and see that its Arthur, the guy who always called for you at the bar

"What do you want Arthur" you sighed, irritated that he wouldn't leave you alone

"I want you" he smirks

"Well if you keep stalking me your not gonna have me" You walk up to your door, not caring that he followed

"Well what do I need to do"

"Leave me alone for 2 days and ill give you a chance"

He nods and takes your hand kissing it "anything for you"

You shake your head and walk into your house, locking the door and boiling water for ramen.

Barry Allen // The Flash

You had decided to use your powers and become a vigilante. What your name was, the world may never know.

You had seen the flash in battle a couple of other times but always left before he could see you.

You were in the middle of returning some stolen things back to the guy some lady took things from. He thanks you and you nod running off and morphing into a silver cat and rushing off.

I leap into an alley and turn back to my form, not looking around 'because since when do people go in alleys' I think sarcastically. I turn around and see the flash with his mask off. We both freeze for a moment, me turning around and putting a shirt on since my shirt always ends up ripping. I turn back around and the flash has normal clothes on.

"Um hi?" I say awkwardly

He looked shocked still and I laugh awkwardly as he looks towards a closed door with a lock over them

"Uh hi there your-i um sorry"

"Oh no it's whatever I mean I trust well to keep each other's secrets a secret" you smile and walk off

"Uh I'm Barry," he says, looking to you hopefully with a bright smile

"Y/N" you smile back and walk off


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