Chapter One

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Harry's POV

Hello. My name is Harry Styles. My best friend is Sarah Howard. We met back on the first day of freshman year here at Hayes High. I made contact with her when she saved my life from Matt. But that was three years ago. But let me just recap you.


I walked through the room looking for a place to sit. I had a lunch tray in my hands with food that looked like in had been digested and then spit back up. I passed by many full tables and finally came across one with one empty seat. I looked at the people sitting at the table and see that they are all wearing black and leather. There was about seven off them. One being a girl that sat all the way at the end. She had beautiful blue-ish green eyes and a little button nose. She had long black hair that reached her belly button that had a black and dark purple piercing. She had full pink lips and and earring that was connected to another ring by a chain that reached to the top of her ear. She was wearing a black top that stopped just below her breast and a mini skirt that stopped at the top of her thigh. She was the first to see me as I placed my tray onto the table. I sit down and try to ignore all the looks I was gaining all over the room. I suddenly felt the room get darker. I looked up to see a guy standing over me. I was soon face first with the ground and bleeding. The guy kicked me and punched me until I felt as if I moved at all I would surely break something. Then I heard a girls voice.

'Leave him alone Matt.' said the voice.

'Stay out of this Sarah. He deserves it.' Matt says.

'Oh shut up and shove it up your ass.' says this 'Sarah'.

'Who does he think he is?' Matt shouts back.

'Fuck Off' Says the womens voice as I'm lifted. Then I black out.

I wake up and see that I'm in a room that looks like a nurse's office.

'Hello Harry. How are you feeling?'

'Im okay. I just have a really bad headache.'

'Okay well I'll give you some pain killers and you should be fine.' She says and removes her gloves.

'By the way you might want to thank Sarah. She saved your life. If you got hit one more time you would probably be dead.'

'Okay. Thanks.' I say as I accept the pain killers and leave.

*End Of Flashback*

And that is how I met Sarah Howard and Katie Smith.

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