My Life Saver (A Justin Bieber Love Story) Part 10

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Part 10

"Umm..." I fidgeted with a hideous hairnet that I was being forced to wear.

"Here let me help." Justin said already lightly picking up my hair as I slid the net on. His warm gentle hands tickled the back of my neck.

"I'm sure she was faking it." Ryan said rolling his eyes and sitting on the counter. "I mean what kind of girl doesn't know how to put on a hair net?"

"Hey! I was not!" I said flicking a spoon at his head.

"Score!" I yelled as Justin and I laughed and he gave me a high five. Ryan on the other hand gave out a little yelp when the spoon hit him right on the left side of his head.

"What's Ryan doing here? I asked as quietly as possible." I wasn't trying to be rude, just curious.

"Yo, I heard that." He said throwing me a look.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" I tried to explain but he kept turning away. "I meant it like I didn't know you could be any help in the kitchen."

"Yea, says little Ms. I sneezed into a pop stars dinner." Ryan mocked me and playfully smacked my arm with a towel.

"Well Ryan is beast at baking." Justin leaned against the counter, his arms crossed as he shook his head back and forth chuckling to himself.

"Seriously?" I was surprised.

"Ha-ha yea right. Last year he burned my birthday cake." Justin said given Ryan a small punch and grabbing a bowl near him.

"I bet Justin is incredible at everything." I said as I made my way to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"Justin love!!!" The voice made me jump back and I saw a girl no older than I creep into the kitchen. When she spotted Justin, she ran right for him.

"Caitlin!" Justin said as he gave her a huge hug and smile.

Watching this happen something hit the pit of my stomach. So I looked away and poured the cake mix into the bowl were Justin had already poured milk into. Hmm 'Justin love.' What kind of crap was that? I thought to my self at I beat the eggs with anger.

"Caitlin this is Ashlynn." Justin said as he reached for empty hand and spun me around to meet this Caitlin chick.

"Hi!" She said. It sounded so fake. It reminded me of those perky cheerleaders. I wanted to vomit. But I figured I should be on my best behavior.... at least while Justin was around.

"Hey Caitlin." I replied, waving the whisk that was still in my hand and gave her a tiny smile.

"Justin couldn't stop talking about you yesterday." She said her arms crossed and shook her head looking down.

"Is that right?" I looked up to Justin. That's when I noticed that he still had his arm around my shoulder. It brought me joy that Caitlin couldn't bear to watch us together.

"Bieber maneee!" A young kid about thirteen came in and Justin instantly walked off to greet his friend. It seemed to me that he was relived that he didn't have to answer my question.

"So what he say?" I asked Caitlin.

"Oh too many things. I kind of stopped listening to him after the third sentence, i was bored. He just kept rambling on and on." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh is that so! Well I wish I could tell you all Justin's said about you but he hasn't mentioned you!" I said with an innocent voice and got back to mixing.

Burn! I thought. That had to leave a mark. I smiled.

"Aunt and Uncle Beadles!" Justin said loudly as two other people walked into the kitchen with a bag of groceries.

My Life Saver (A Justin Bieber Love Story) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now