Part 3: Jeremy

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Quick Note: Haha don't you just love the title? So simple:).

Thank you so much to everyone who has continued reading! I get so excited and happy when I read your comments or I recieve a fan. It makes me want to keep writing!

This part is a lot longer then the previous ones, because I possibly may not update tomorrow or the next day. I wanted to give you guys something good!

I'm going on vacation to Maui until the 12th! I promise to update in that time frame though! I'll have my laptop and internet and I have a lot of ideas. I won't forget about you guys! So keep commenting, voting, fanning, all that good stuff. Thanks again so much:D


We were almost at the interview. I still felt bad I made Tom late. With my sleeping in and then that little "rendezvous" when I was trying to change. I was still trying to shake that off. I also wondered if Tom was upset about it. He looked upset.

"Tom?" I said sheepishly.

His eyes were on the road.

"Mmm?" he said.

"Um. Are you ok with what happened back at my place?" AH. Where was I going with this. What if this makes him even more upset? Shut your mouth Sabrina.

"It's fine." he said.

I sighed. But I kind of want to talk about it. I think couples should be able to talk about this sort of stuff.

"Tom can we talk about it?"

"Darling, there's nothing to talk about. You're not ready." he said merging onto the freeway.

I sighed again. Wow I'm on a roll. That's the thing about Tom. He keeps things bottled up inside him. He's a good listener and that's great. But he didn't always open up to me to have deep conversations. Which is strange because in all of his interviews he's so in depth and thoughtful. Like for example, his parents got divorced. He's never told me how he feel/how he felt about it. Maybe that's my fault? But we have been dating for almost a year... Wait. Maybe I'm a crazy nosy girlfriend. Ok I'll make a mental note of that. Do not be a crazy nosy girlfriend. Hey maybe it's a guy thing. Guys just don't open up about that stuff. I'll make note of that too. But Tom is perfect. He's nice. He's caring. He's.. Tom. That's what matters. I should probably change the subject now.

"So anyways. I get to meet your cast mates! Woo! Yay!" I said.

"Yes indeed! They will love you." said Tom. He looked relieved I changed the subject

I smiled.

"Just.. Not as much as I love you." said Tom. He took his eyes off the road to lock with mine for a brief second. Those blue jewels. Dang. That color isn't even... real.

"I'm glad you could come too. I really want you to meet my cast mates. We are kind of like a family now." he said.

We pulled into the parking lot. This should be fun. We are already friends with the Downeys, but I was excited to meet the other stars. Would Joss Whedon be there? Since I'm a film major and all, it would be great to talk to him. His screenplays are excellent. I know he did some work with the Toy Story films. And Avengers already looks so epic. Oh! And Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson too! I guess they are the perks to dating Tom Hiddleston. Trust me, I'm not a gold digger or anything. Not at all. I genuinely like Tom. It's just despite our time going out, I'm still getting used to the celebrity life.

We entered the the building and a man quickly greeted Tom.

"Mr. Hiddleston! Thank god you made it! Your interview is just about to begin. Right this way." said the man. Ushering me and Tom over to a hallway.

Let Me Love You:A Love Triangle (Tom Hiddleston&Jeremy Renner)Where stories live. Discover now