Is That You?

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y/n:Elena let's go I'm taking you to school!
Elena:really!?! In your Lambo?
y/n: why not let a little freshman ride with her senior sister to school on her first day?
You both hop and then you drive off speeding. 7 minutes later you arrive at the front of your school to see everyone staring.
Kylie:who's that
Veronica: I think that's Elena? y/n's little sister
Jazmine: then does that mean y/n is driving that car?!
Caroline: OMG that is y/n driving that car!
They Screamed to everyone which really annoys you. Once they caught everybody's attention they started pointing at your Lamborghini. Everyone started gathering around where you parked. I try and get out but since everyone was gathered around you it was hard for you and Elena to get out. Once you got out of the car they started screaming dumb things.
Kylie:y/n!omg can I have a picture!?
Mark:when is your next run way show?!
Jessie: did you hear that a boy been transferred here to finish High School?
y/n: 1 not right now please 2 tomorrow 3 cool. Unfortunately my Runway tomorrow is only invite because I don't want the whole school showing up
Mason: Logan Paul also transferred here to graduate because he dropped out senior year
Elena: why are there so many people?
y/n:1 I'm the most popular girl in school and I don't know why 2 I model for Victoria secret 3 I'm me
Elena: true most people in high school are fake
You guys get out and pushed through the crowd. You were walking towards school when you see your ex Cole Sprouse.
y/n:hey Cole
Cole:hey y/n
y/n: I hate when people crowd me it's so annoying like we're all well-known at the school this school it's made for famous people so why make them uncomfortable? Also meet my little sister Elena. I'm not sure if you guys met before. Oh yeah wait you guys have never mind
Cole:hey elena
Elena:hh hey cole
You low-key knew that she liked him when you and him were dating. And you think she still does. But you don't mind cuz she doesn't have a chance with him.
Cole: meet my friend KJ apa
Kj:ello mate(ya know because hes like Australian or something)
y/n:hi kj I'm y/n and I adore your accent it's so cute
Kj: why thank you I adore you
You blush at the smart remark. Cole notices that he was flirting with you and that you blushed. So Cole got jealous.
y/n: well anyways I got to show my sister her first class with her being a freshman in all...
Cole: well nice seeing you bye
Kj:bye y/n
You show Elena her first class but then someone walks up to her and says
?: Elena is that you?!?
Elena: ummm.. yes do I...wait zach?!
Zach:Yeah! Where's y/n?!? I havent seen her in ages and I miss her so much!
y/n: Zach I'm right here...
Zach:holy shit! I barely even recognized you!
y/n: yeah after I left Dallas I kind of had a record-breaking Glo up
Zach: well I'm speechless... anyways I've missed so much!
He hugs you super hard you didn't want to let your barriers down but you just couldn't handle it. You squeeze him back harder.
y/n: I honestly don't know how I survived this many years without you
Zach: me neither
You guys pull away. But you notice a group of boys and one girl behind Zach.
y/n:umm...who are these people watching us?
Zach: well this is a school for famous people and I'm kind of in a band called why don't we and well we're famous. Why are you here?
y/n: well I'm famous too! * you kind of say laughing *
Zach: what really!?! That's so cool! What do you do?
y/n: I model for Victoria secret
Zach: I don't know why I didn't think of that you grew a lot since Dallas. Like in a good way*he winks*
?:* clears throat*
Zach: oh this is my girlfriend Loren...
You froze for a second because even though it's been years since you guys last seen each other or talked you still had a little crush on Zach
Elena: Earth to y/n! I'm going to my class because this is awkward...
y/n: shut up Elena! But by meet me at my the car after school.
Elena:k bye
y/n: bye. Anyways loren I'm y/n
Loren: I know!* she says rudely* everyone seems to talk about you
y/n: everyone knows me, they know how nice I am and they know what I do for a living
Loren:* scoffs* anyways Zachy let's go

No cliffhanger today! Well I wrote extra because I never post. I always forget.

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