I Don't Get It...

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A/N: So I haven't written anything in a while and I know I already have two ongoing series that I haven't updated in the last year or so. I do want to continue those, but this idea came to me and I just wanted to write it so bad. I don't know how long this one is going to be, but I'm going to try and work on these as often as I can. Thank you!

Kirishima's POV

   'I really don't get it...'

   'Why does he do this all the time...?'

   'Did I do something wrong?'

   'Is he not sleeping well?'

   'I hope it's not because of me...'

   Bakugou has been acting super strange lately. He avoids me at every encounter, every class, and even refuses Aizawa when we are paired for one on one sparing.

   I've asked him if something was wrong more times than I can count by now and still he just clicks his tongue and walks away. I thought Bakugou and I were friends, so why all of a sudden is he pushing me away.

   Everyday in class I can tell that his performance is lacking and his usual explosive energy is just very grumpy and tense. He doesn't even yell at Midoriya for mumbling or anything half the time anymore.

   I didn't know what to do, especially if Bakugou won't talk to me in the first place. So, I assembled the rest of the Bakusquad to help me. We all sat around in my room as we talked about Bakugou's unusual behavior this last month.

   I listened to the conversation, but not many of the suggestions seemed like something that would put Katsuki off his game like he's been. Sero had said something about there being a problem with PTSD from him being kidnapped by villains. Which at first didn't seem very likely because of the way Bakugou seemed fine afterwards, but thinking about it more and how the yelling and attitude was just a front made it seem more of a possibility.

   Listening to all the problems Bakugou could possibly be having made me want to just go to his dorm room and force him to tell me what was up with him. I had my mind set on it until the others decided that we were going to stop talking about it for now and go make something in the kitchen to eat.

   I let out a long sigh before I decided just to follow the others because even if I wasn't thinking about eating before I was now thanks to my friends.


   Finally getting to the kitchen, we all turned the corner and stopped as we looked at Bakugou sitting at the counter eating. He was ignoring us as he ate his food a little quicker now at the sight of us.

   I wasn't paying attention when everyone else had already started searching for something to have for dinner. I suddenly had become more intrested in what was going on in Bakugou's mind more than eating now.

   I watched Bakugou throw away his garbage and place his plate in the sink, before washing it and putting it away. As he passed me to exit the kitchen, I swear I saw him glance at me with a sad expression, but as soon as I saw it just like that it had disappeared under his scowl and his death glare at the floor.

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