|Chapter One|

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-Shelby's Point of View-

The iPhone 5 rang. It buzzed in the cup holder before Niall hit the lock button, I looked at him. He looked back with the simple response of "What?" His perfectly combed over blonde hair looked perfect as the freezing cold AC ran up my arm and hit me I'm the face.

Isabella started to cry, I looked back to see her still sitting in the Cinderella car seat, with a empty simply cup on the black leather seat. We pulled the large, black Ford Expedition into the Holiday Inn parking lot.

Niall got the Queen Sweet with a bar with a variety of alcohols.

I carried Isabella, or Bella as her grandpa calls her, into our room as Niall rolled our suit cases into the freezing cold and the sweet smelled room. I sat Bella down on the bed, and walked behind the bar and grabbed the Jack Daniels bottle. Me only being 17 when me and Niall had our "one-night stand" in London in the middle of One Directions first big tour, I got pregnant. Breaking the news to my family and friends that I had been impreganated by a over night star, was a nightmare. I had to tell my alling father, that a pop star singer had got me pregnant. I had to beg my parents to let me go with my beat friend to London. A 245 mile trip from my hometown. They were reluctant on letting me go. How could I have passed on the opportunity to "do it" with a superstar. I couldn't. I had posters of him on my wall. I guess you could say I was in love.

Now a days, I'm staring at him turning on the tv while take a chug of Whisky. Niall turns on the local news station and watches as they express the world-wide hatred that grew in a seven hour span.

The news broke out at 12 that One Direction was no longer together. Harry personally blamed Niall for the break up. Niall was sitting at the end of the queen bed, I could see the tears roll down his face.

"An empire..."

"A fucking empire... I helped build it... Now it's in ruins..." Niall said. Tears rolling down his face, I've never seen him like this before.

"Many great memories, many years of my life... Just gone... I can't stand seeing this... Harry will pay... I'm gonna come back stronger then ever..." Niall said with a tone of determination in his voice.

I took my fourth chug of the bottle and handed Niall it. He took his first sip.

I put Bella to bed, and crawled up next to Niall and fell asleep with my head on his chest.

I woke up as Niall was walking out of the bathroom with no shirt on, and zipping up his jeans. He looked flawless, his hair was comb over to the side, and he had a pissed off look on his face. He threw on a plain white t-shirt, and zipped up his travel bag. He had already packed my bag, and fed Bella. He was waiting on me so we can start the final part of our trip to our first home with each other. In the small town of Endure, Indiana.

We had found a three bedroom and two bath apartment on the internet that we scooped up for $ 1400 a month. It was our first place together. Nether Niall or I had ever been this far in Indiana, and this time being the first for me..

Just a short two hour drive down interstate 76, we had final made it to Endure.

Niall had just over 2.5 billion in his bank account, $2,506,972,902. We had a future, we have plans to settle in Mullinger, and build our dream home.

We pulled into a gas station five miles away from the apartment, being the only car there, Niall thought he was clear not to wear a hoodie. But, just as our luck goes, a honda pulls in with a little girl in the rear seats.. As I saw it from the front seat, the little girls mother got out to pump gas into her car. The little girl, saw Niall and rushed out of her moms car, and over to see him. She was a very rude little girl, I heard "You suck!" And "Go to hell!" And I expected to hear more, but her mother got to her and pulled her away. The girl continued to scream even after her young mother got her away. I shook my head at how young the mom was, but yet I was still younger then her..

Was I disappointed in myself?

Was I proud of myself to make such a huge decision to keep and raise a child?

Did I make the right decision?

I couldn't think, my mind was full of thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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