Nanny McPhee

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{ Silver's POV }

I checked the chart and smiled at the fact that they had gotten rid of the last 17 nannies. "Finally she's gone."

I said as Simon pinned the icon of her to the board.

I smiled and fist bumped all of the boys and hugged all the girls. "Post!" And I ran downstairs with Tora and Simon. I went to the box and opened it. The first thing was an envelope with my name on it. I ripped it open.

"District James Brown,

We regret to inform you that you have not won a second or third place prize, but have in fact won first place. You have contained in this envelope, many pound notes, equalling up to the 2000 pound total. We hope to see you at the next open mic tournament or even better, next years nationals which you are hereby invited to.


Open Mic Committee of the United Kingdom (OMCOUK)."

And I laughed and hugged Tora and Simon tightly. "Thank you two! If you hadn't encouraged me to do it, I wouldn't be here holding 2000 pounds!" I yelled and I began to split the money into 8. I gave 250 pounds to Simon, Tora, Eric, Sebastian, Chrissie, and gave Aggie's to Evangeline to hold.I gave Mr Brown his share and he smiled and shook my hand heartily. "Aggie's is with Evangeline." I said and he nodded.

I split my 250 pounds among Mrs Blatherwick and Evangeline and myself. "Now take a day off Mrs Blatherwick. Go enjoy the day. Enjoy your day off as a veteran."

And she saluted me and walked off, whistling for the first time that I had heard her ever. "Swell job." Evangeline said and I began to cook a beautiful omelet for all of them children. I spiced it perfectly and when they came down for dinner, everyone asked for more with thank you's by the dozens.

I smiled and had to make three more omelets per person. I went up to bed and Simon stuck his head in, past the ugly painting and I smiled and he moved it to the side.

I smiled and he walked to me and I smiled wider and he kissed me. I kissed him back and he smiled. "I love you." He said and I looked at him, my eyes softening in the expression that only Aggie and Simon can make it come out.

"I love you to." I said and he looked at me and kissed my forehead. I leaned against him, feeling my heart pounding in my chest as he lay there next to me.

I smiled and he kissed me gently and I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt his lips move to my neck as he began to suck. I pushed him away, my eyes downcast. "Hey. What's wrong?"

He asked and I looked up. "I heard from Sarah yesterday and Freya died of cancer last night." I said and he looked at me with shock and he hugged me tightly, my face in his shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

Simon whispered and I felt his lips on my forehead. "Thanks Simon."

I said and he nodded and I grabbed his hand tightly, feeling tears dripping down my cheeks. I fell asleep, curled up next to Simon, his arms around me tightly. I woke up to Evangeline standing above us.

I shoved Simon and he woke up and his eyes were wide. "Please." I whispered and she nodded. "Okay." She whispered and I nodded and Simon disappeared out the door.

I changed quickly and followed Evangeline. I heard a storm rumbling and I felt tears racing down my cheeks. Suddenly there were hard banging on the door.

I ran to the door and opened it.

"Sarah?" I whispered, for it was my little sister, soaked to the skin, shivering and crying. I picked her up and shut the door. "Evangeline!" I yelled and she came running. "She's my sister. Please." I said, my eyes burning with tears of pain.

"I lost one last night. I can't lose her as well." And Simon and Tora ran into the hallway. I looked up and they ran to me.

"Sarah come on. Wake up." I whispered and suddenly she coughed and gulped in air. "Silver?" She asked weakly and I shut my eyes and nodded, shuddering and sobbing. I hugged her tightly and rocked back and forth, my eyes burning with tears. "I'm so sorry."

I whispered and she shook her head. "It's my fault. It was my idea." And I hugged her tightly and buried my face in her hair.

"Simon. Tora. This is Sarah, my little sister. Sarah, this is Simon and Tora Brown, the oldest two children out of 6." I said and she nodded.

"Pleased to meet you." She said and Simon shook her hand and Tora did the same. "Come on. Let's go." And I saw Blatherwick was tied up. "Stop!" I yelled and Simon looked at me. "She hasn't done anything to you!" I said and grabbed a knife.

"Please hold still Miss Blatherwick." I said and she nodded and whispered something through the dish rag of a gag that the children had put on her.

I cut through the first side and the second, releasing her. She pulled the gag out of her mouth and I saw a person who I recongnized.

"Nanny McPhee." I whispered and she nodded. "Hello Silver. Sarah." She said and I smiled. "How lovely to see you again but I could do with a bit of help. I am able to control them, but they don't seem to be able to hear me." I said and she nodded.

"Indeed. You may bring your sister to your room and bring Miss Blatherwick a cup of tea." And I nodded and bowed politely. "Oh there is no need for that Silver. Now run along." And I took Sarah by the wrist and Blatherwick followed us and promptly collapsed in a chair.

"Evangeline, would you mind showing Sarah where my room is? I'm sure she'd appreciate it." I said and she nodded. "If you wish Silver. But what exactly are you going to do if I may ask?" She asked and I looked at her and smirked.

"I'm going to help Nanny McPhee prank the pranksters." I said and she nodded and walked Sarah upstairs. I walked back into the kitchen and found everyone unable to stop their actions. "Say Please Nanny McPhee." Nanny McPhee said. "Simon! Say it!" Tora screamed and as Lily leaped down to send Aggie into the pot, Simon said it.

"Please Nanny McPhee." And she banged her stick. Everything went back to normal and I smiled. "Thank you Nanny McPhee." I said and she nodded and put her stick back into the folds of her dress.

"Good night Evangeline. Good night Miss Blatherwick. Good night Silver." Nanny McPhee said. "Good night Nanny McPhee." We all said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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